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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you guys think the world was made?

Question: How do you guys think the world was made!?
im just really curious and i have heard a lot of theories of stupid things!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Interesting that you ask "World" but everybody is answering as if you had said "Universe!." Did you mean "Universe!?"

Well, just in terms of our earth, the earth and the sun and the other planets were made about 4!.5 billion years ago out of the dust and larger chunks of matter which had come from previously exploded stars which had finished their existence-cycle!. Gravity started pulling the matter together, into separate objects - gravity pulls everything towards the middle!. (it feels like "down" on earth, but it's really "towards the middle" of the earth!.)
So much stuff got pulled towards the center of "the sun" (which is really just another star) that it created a tremendous amount of pressure and heat, and the hydrogen of which the sun was mostly made, began to fuse into helium!. The fusion, called nuclear fusion, emitted incredible amounts of heat and light!. About 8 or 9 smaller bodies were also being formed, and were held in orbit by gravity and orbited around the sun!. (They are the other "planets" we have now - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and some say Pluto!.) They kept attracting more cosmic matter until they reached the size they are today!. The third planet out from the sun was our earth!. after another billion or so years!? it began to cool off enough that it could maintain water without its water turning into steam!. and with water, God was able to start life, very tiny organisms!. Little by little, God helped the organisms get bigger and survive better, by nudging them into creating, in the procreation process, mutations which would create good changes in the children!. Things got better and more complex!. Eventually the creatures crawled out of the water and began to live on land!. They got smarter and smarter with God's help all the time!. This took millions and millions of years!. Eventually mankind evolved and here we are!

The two shows I listed below are still having re-runs!. Watch them, they are SO exiting!. They don't say anything about God, but you can just have the understanding that God was behind all the stuff that happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am presuming some things here in that when you say the 'world' that you are talking about our apparent physical plane of existence or the universe as a whole since the world is a tiny and relatively inconsequential component of the larger whole!.

That being said there are two basic answers: 1!. God did it!. or 2!. It just happened!. Of course there are a number of variations on a theme: The pantheists would say that God is it and that it has always been in existence with only the face of it changing!. In the two books that were merged to create Genesis for the Revised King James version of Holy Scripture one scroll has God creating everything and the other scroll comes in people being created with the Earth already in existence!.

Short answer: Everything obeys set physical laws!. Have you ever noticed the fixed propensity for planets and stars to be spherical!? They are obeying the law of gravity!.

The difficulty and the controversy: Were these laws created by God!? and if so can God 'break' these laws (think 'miracles')!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Universe has always existed!. Its fundamental properties fluctuate randomly from time to time, and after unutterably vast intervals of chaos and nothingness, a new order occasionally comes about in which cause and effect can operate meaningfully!. This happened at some point in the unimaginably distant past and gave rise to the physical Universe as we see it now!. Over a period of many aeons, this order of things, with its stars and planets, will wear out and run down until even the black holes constituting the remnants of matter as it is now will evaporate through Hawking radiation, something like a googol (one followed by a hundred zeroes) years from now!. There will then be a much longer period of chaotic void until eventually, unspeakably far in the future, the random fluctuations will once again give rise to some kind of meaningful Universe, probably nothing like the way things are today, which itself will eventually dissolve, and so on, forever!. There is no beginning and no end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe the universe is finite, meaning that at one point it did not exist, so in order for it to exist, something infinite had to create it (God)!. I'm leaning towards the big bang, which was actually first proposed by a Belgian priest named Georges-Henri Lema?tre although he did not give it the name "Big Bang"!.

i would say all the elements and a set amount of energy has always been here!. the universe as a whole must have been here cause energy and matter cant be created or destroyed only changed right!. so id say after an unimaginable amount of time things worked out and life got a chance on the 3rd rock spinning around the star we call our sun!. simple plain and logical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm doing that at skool right now,
i don't have a clue,
here's a website that may help,
don't know if that is good or not!.!.!.!?

well hope i helped,
good luck finding it out,

p!.s i think it was the big bang personaly, but i really don't know, it's complicated,


I was reading an article and thought I would ask a question about this here!. This is the question: http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.

The link to the article is there, maybe that will help you understand a little!. also, I hope people can answer my question!. I'd like everyone to let me know what they think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'Made' implies time involved and start/end!. I think if it's eternal than it has always been there!.!.!.Only we get made and unmade!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most people think God made the world!.!.i dont but im not really sure!.!.=)Www@QuestionHome@Com