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Position:Home>Philosophy> When the Christian Rapture of the Chuch happens what will be the most likely exp

Question: When the Christian Rapture of the Chuch happens what will be the most likely explanations given!?
When the Christian Rapture of the Church happens what will be the most likely explanations given!? Now I will use this as my premise if Barna Research is correct and only 15% of Christians are reading the Bible even once a week then that 15% are the ones God would find acceptable (not precise but a guess, God knows the hearts not me!.)

So at 300 million and say 75% SAY they are Christian and 15% are!.!.!.
33,750,000 just disappear!. + millions more around the world!.

Given that 85% of the "Christians" are still here!.!.!. Probably some of the big televangelists too!.!.!. What would be the explanations that would most likely be given !?

The fear, the confusion would be obvious reaction but what do you think the social reactions would be too!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think alien abduction or a new terrorist weapon!.

The government will need to have a reason to give everyone the mark of the beast (the tattoo!.) I think they will say it is to keep track of everyone so the government can keep us safe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No explanation will be given because this sci-fi religious fantasy will never happen!. By the way, this is philosophy not the religious section!. Philosophy seeks for truth by the means of REASON!. Your view rejects reason as a means to find truth and is as empty as the relativist view that rejects the notion of truth!. Absolute skepticism and absolute faith are two sides of the same coin for they both reject reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all it's not just Christians that acknowledge this occurrence but also authors in the New Age have also discussed it!. Even the author of the Celestine Prophecy, John Redfield explanation for what it is as well!. But it was not from a Christian perspective!.

One of my personal thoughts is that for scientists there has never been an explanation for how a species could disappear overnight and a new one in such a short time in the evolutionary theory!. This act of God would allow the devil this incident as a means to show how this actually occurred on earth!. But the only problem they are left with is the big one!. Who or what caused it to occur!?

The evolution theory has always rejected God as an explanation to anything!. No matter what the circumstances are that God himself created!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First off, Bai, all the televangelists will be staying behind with the rest of us!. Of that, I am certain!.

Secondly, what would reading the bible once a week have to do with salvation, and why would God find them any more acceptable than a righteous soul who doesn't, or who can't read!?

Explanations!? Who would need one!. The mother ship came and got them, just like they said!. Good! Have a nice trip! Don't drink the water!

Social reaction!? Probably, "Good, now they won't be constantly asking us if we have been saved, or demanding money from us, or they will die!."

God, salvation, heaven and/or hell, is a personal experience, a personal interpretation!. Yours has been stated as fact!. Most people would view your remarks as a very narrowly confined look at religion and God, as a whole!.

I know its asking a lot, but why not let the rest of us get to heaven on our own, with God's help, on our individual journey of faith!?Www@QuestionHome@Com