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Question: Why cant we live long!?
in the bible!.!.!. it said that adam lived for 930 years!.!.!.!.people these days barely live up to 90 years, why cant we live that long no more!? if adam did it, then couldnt we have the chance to!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're assuming that the bible has any validity in such matters!. With all due respect, it was the work of ignorant, superstitious barbarians!. And I don't mean that disparagingly, but factually!. Besides, how could it be possible to verify such a claim back then!? It's not like they had birth certificates in those times!.

also, we know enough about the inner workings of the human body to know that there is simply no way a person could possibly live that long!. 120 years is pretty much the limit!. DNA degrades and mutates; toxins pile up in cells; organs become less and less efficient; plaques build up in blood vessels, the brain & elsewhere; the immune system gets weaker and weaker; cell divisions reach their limit (look up telomeres on Wikipedia); bones get more and more brittle; neurons, blood vessels & skin cells lose their elasticity; the gastrointestinal tract is able to absorb fewer and fewer nutrients; etc!. etc!. etc!. Sorry, but when the bible says that some people lived for 900+ years, it simply has no credibility for such a claim!.

Anyone wanting to live for several centuries or longer can only look to science and technology for the solutions!. And believe it or not, there are actually people working to radically extend the human lifespan into the range of centuries or longer!. Such advancements in human longevity will require fundamental changes and enhancements to our biology, and some have proposed abandoning the biological form altogether!. Check out the books below at your local library or bookstore for more info on some of this research and the possibilities it may allow!.

His long lifespan may have something as simple as translation error,such as the word for seasons being translated by later generations as "years"!. of course that would still be about 240 years!. Couple that with the folkloric exaggeration that occurs when a story is told and retold around a campfire ,or simple mistakes in retelling ,and a person's or family's losing track of their real age,etc, and he probably had a long life but not to that extreme!. I don't know what your particular belief is but IMO much of the Bible can not be taken literally ,especially the OT ,Genesis and ,stories with either a symbolic or parable nature to them!. Another place in the OT quotes the average lifespan for that time as 3 score and ten = 70 years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like others said!. All the food was natural with no boosters, steroids, and artificial junk!. There were no cars, planes, factories, or cigarettes to damage their lungs and hearts!. There were less developed diseases as there are right now!. And most of all, they didn't sin near as much as we do now!.If everybody could sin as little as possible the world would be in the best shape as possible and people would live longer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mythology is, in many aspects, more than a little misleading and untrustworthy!.

Through the long process of evolution on this planet, humans have not been genetically engineered to do so!.

Humans current exhibit the longest life spans they have ever enjoyed due to advances in modern medicine and health care!.

Perhaps it is wiser to deal with what is as it is rather than to hope on the false promises of some belief systems!.

Be well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is such a difference between the past and the present!. Back in biblical times the world didn't have all these diseases!. Food wasn't processed in a production house!. Our animals weren't pumped with steroid and bul**^%, just so they don't get sick enough to where we cant butcher them!. There is such a difference!. Plus there was a distinct purity that those individuals had back then that we will never gain!. We pollute our bodies just walking out the door to carbon dioxide and not to mention what we do to our own land!. Maybe during the rebirth you'll see 976 in age, not now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You've got to keep in mind that Adam made his presence known in a time the earth was not nearly as disease burdened and filled with violence as it is today!. Our bodies immunity have had to make so many alterations and that adds to internal stress!. This is just my theory at least!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that speaks more to the literal truth of the Bible as opposed to the lifespan of humans!. Science wasn't as developed back then and people talked a lot more in figurative language (symbolism as opposed to literal meaning)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What you read my friend was a made up story by mankind to make you feel less of a person because you are a corrupted sinner!.
Then again if you have a legacy, even after your physical death, you will continue to live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Adam was alive when the pity, pain and sorrow of the world was still way in the future so he would of lived longer though then there was no scientific or mathematical lengths of time so one would not be able to judge how long he livedWww@QuestionHome@Com

disease, and plague!. Adam also didn't have the same type of calendar as we have adopted now!. It's possible that he was a total different age by our calculations!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.adam is a character from the bible!.!.!.
!.!.!.the bible is fiction!.!.!.written by man!.!.!.
!.!.!.LIFE is how you live it!.!.!.long or short, its all you have!.!.!.
!.!.!.good luck!.!.!.

Why would anyone want to live so long!?
Okay!.!.!. I'll try to answer!. Man has screwed up the world so much that our bodies can't handle it and they crap out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com