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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we insist on seeing all as equals and with equal rights? Clearly nature h

Question: Why do we insist on seeing all as equals and with equal rights!? Clearly nature has created people unequal!.!.!.!.!?
Some strong, some weak, some intelligent, some not, some scientists, some street sweepers, etc!.

So, having said this what can a man\woman of inferiority or lower intelligence, talent, etc!. do to make his life worthwhile!?
For example, I am what in America would be considered "white Trash" or poor and uneducated!. I clearly loose out on society's benefits, except those minimal things like receiving a pay check and the ability to have a shelter, etc!.
But it stops here!. I work low paying jobs, that have no value in my life, I am considered lower and get the benefits accordingly!. i live with the understanding of others which have much larger possibilities and understanding in and of life!. So if society's benefits and appraisals of others are excluded from me and the Truth or getting closer to a possible Truth is also excluded by my lack of intelligence and talent\ability!.

How should I\people like me live!? accept this, if so why!?
It seems one can only be an extreme egoist and disrupt the social in order under to live to ones uniqueness, which is not in tuned with what Society offers for us who are inferior in its structure!. Is this justification enough to become as I create, even though it might destroy what is currently idealized!. What else could people like me do, if we want to live a rich and meaning-full life!? it must be 'outside' of Society!.

English is not my 1st language, but I hope you can understand regardless!.
I am serious in this question and hope to get a serious answer!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good Question,
But, I dont think America and its capitalist system insists on seeing all as equals!.!.!. In fact, Capitalism, in its ideal state, is a means of rewarding (with money) those who are "better" for society's purpose because they would contribute more to its greater good while punishing and constraining those who contribute less!. This is supposed to be a fair distribution because the system would provide ALL with equal opportunities and then justly reciprocate their contributions!.!.!.

But, it is obvious that not all have equal opportunities because an individual is undoubtably limited by their class, environment and existing social constraints!. I feel like the only way that this system maybe could ever work is to take all children and have them grow up in the same environment so they are granted the same opportunites lol!.!.!. But this is obviously unreasonable and would still limit the kids whose tallents were deemed unworthy to the intended purpose of the society!.!.!.

So, maybe we should just **** society and embrace anarchy :) Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Notion of Equality doesn't reside in our being, but in our right to be the best individuals we can!. It is in this, that Equality is meant!. Each individual has equal right to strive to be the best they can, and to explore the possibilities that exist in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do never thought of life as equal!.!.
Nothing's equal in the world!.!.
NO matter how much politicians, King and queens, good people, teachers, economists, priests and different kind of people say that man is equal, the nature of life and its cycle say that humans never equal!.!.!.

If you continue to call yourself inferior even if you couch it in terms of what society thinks,you will continue to limit yourslf!. We are equal in the way God sees us!.!.limitless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nature is nature!. Law (the granting of rights) is a human construct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the reason why we have been insisting to see things on equal is because we;re trying to get over the inequality that we've been feeling inside us; which is to not to feel bitter as bitter, or sweet as sweet, but everything as tasteless!. however, according to the fact, it is true that EVERYTHING is just the same!. just that it takes a whole challenges, toleration and lifetime effort to understand this very simple thing!. because truthfully, nothing is really something!. they're just!.!. attractions, you know!.!.!.attractions, as how the magnets have them!.!.!.attractions, although we can't see it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe that it all comes from our determination and not from our physical strength or our talent!.
like Mr Edison said: "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration!."
Countries such as US are very systematic and when someone fails to comprehend it, they become 'outcast' and almost rejected by the system (society)!.

I do agree that the "system" can destroy a human and his ability, talent, etc!. And we as individuals, should not accept this!.

However, i believe even these people can pull themselves up (since there r many stories of success), but it really requires the most determination and perspiration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Society does not insist upon seeing all men as equals when reality would obviate the contrary!. You are not a lowly person in any sense of the word!. It is true the mean spirited living in a caravan or a mansion do not grow in character in direct correlation to their burgeoning bank balance, and the former rich fallen on hard times do not necessarily become immoral, narrow minded or mean hearted!.

There abide generous souls and braggarts at all strata of society, you are a thinking person with aspirations!. What does man need but personal liberty, a nice home, car and a partner soul mate to enjoy life with!. Few will compromise on their ideals, and those who do so, find life itself compromised!.

Be happy in Spirit and success and happiness will find you!. Want and you and those you meet will find life wanting!. Success attracts happiness, the rich having climbed the ladder in the rat race remain rats, albeit highly paid ones!. Judge not others by measure of gain but refrain, character and the ability to love and be in synergy with all without deduction in one’s own standing!.

Life has been like that all the way through our history!.

We should try to accept this because if we don't, our lives will be worse than they already are!.

A writer satirized equality in one of his books and it did not look like a good way to live; everyone in that world was equal in almost every possible way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a really profound question, for someone who doesn't think so much of themself!.

I think this is one of the biggest questions of the last century!. When the british were deciding whether to give the rest of their empire autonomy from the throne, it was simply said that 'these people cannot take care of themselves'!. Now India is one of the economic and political superpowers of the world, that nation founded as a colony for criminals, australia is a source of stability to SE Asia!.

The fact of the matter is that if you take any group of people and watch them over time, no matter how ridiculously underprivileged and inferior in material means, in the matter of a generation it will produce some outstanding results!.

There persists today an idea that opportunities and education are the same as human accomplishment!. But it is the vigor of all our individual thoughts and effort that make us successful in life!.

Read some real life stories of people who are successful!. US congressmen, movie stars, fabulously wealthy business people - a good deal of them started with nothing!. See first reference!. Then read all the business bios in forbes online for a month!.

If we truly believe that we have nothing to offer and therefore nothing to gain from the system, that is part of what makes us poor!. Because without it we become what people believe we will be rather than what we ourselves know we can be!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

G You write better English than your self label indicates!. Your question is either a ringer, or you are underestimating the market for good writers!.
If you want a technique to dump the self-denigration-if yours is real- try the Life Decryption Key!. When I started to learn it, iwas a week away from being homeless!. Now I am pretty OK and life keeps getting better!.

Life Decryption Key

Instead of guiding ones life by the flurry of concepts, hopes, fears, and aphorisms we learn, it is more effective to use a concise, accurate and short set of reality descriptions!. A key to decrypt the entire jumble and make decisions more accurate and easier is what we need!.

Three increasingly familiar words Myoho, Renge and Kyo fill that need
Please write down all the words of intangibles that attach to life such as love, imagination, dreams, life, hope, fear, hate etc!. Then write down all the words that relate to the tangible aspects of life; think of brain, body, table, car clouds, air, soil, and on without limit!. Yet, there is no mind without a brain!. There is no car without thought!. There is no wood for a table without the life of a tree!. There is no action without potential!. The list of tangibles and intangibles is endless!. However, the inseparability of tangible and intangible aspects is summed up in Myoho!.

Write down all the words for causes you can think of and effects those causes can have!. They are all summed up in Renge-Causes simultaneously produce effects like the flower and the seed of the lotus!.

Everything is always changing!. Write down all the words that come to mind about things changing-Clouds, faces, butterflies, concepts, memory and on and on!. They are all summed up in the word Kyo!. Because everything is always changing, no one is stuck where shehe is!.

The list of words and concepts that pertain to tangible and intangible, to causes and effects and to change can be endless and inefficient to use!.

The three words Myoho Renge Kyo include every aspect of life and exclude nothing!. This is pragmatically observable by anyone!.

It was derived over thousands of years by brilliant people in India and China!. A monk named Nichiren recognized it for what it is and realized that anyone could guide their life better by using this key!.
The people, who win most consistently, are the ones who use this formulation with focused intention as a decryption key to clearly see the relationships that exist between good concepts and harmful ones!. The way to do that is to add the shortened Sanskrit word for focused intention and create Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!. This is spoken repeatedly with the palms pressed together to close the energy circle!. It releases delusions and limitations like vitamin C cures scurvy!.

Since we each have our unique paths and desires, there is no prescription for what people should focus on when they use the key!. Some want to bake a perfect soufflé!. Others want to create a peaceful planet or just get along with their partner!. Others might want to develop the capabilities of their consciousness to levels beyond the ordinary!. It is all available!. The human mind has vast possibilities to explore once we resolve the confusion!.

For more detailed information see <>,http://www!.SGI!.org>, or email me!.

All humans have the exact same worth!. I am in America and I wouldn't think lowly of anyone for the job or wealth that they have or don't have!. Your worth as a person is not defined by your income!. The only people that I look down on are the people that hurt other people or are bad people at heart!.
It's not the hand that you're dealt!.!.!.it's the way you play it!. Be happy with the things that you have!. There are so many miserable rich people out there!. Life is what you make it, no matter who you are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Respect people as individuals with individual choices and lifestyles!. How one acts, dresses, profession, etc!. another may not like, but it's fine for them so that choice is (should be) respected!.

There's a phrase !. !. !. " It may not be your way but it's still a way "!. OR !. !. !. " It may not be my way, but it's still fine because it's still a way "!.

I prefer the words "free to be" more than the word "equal"!.

As long as the traits of value, honor, decency, no harm, valuing self and others are in that "equality" or "free to be" than I feel all is well!.

Someone doesn't like what I'm about !? That's fine!. That person doesn't have to relate with me!. What they don't like about me doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it not right for them!. What I'm about, some are fine with, others aren't!. As long as I bring no distress to myself or others!. !. !. then all is well!.

Just because someone says something, that doesn't make what was said true!.

Was said to me about two years ago !. !. !. " We are all one "!.

Peace to you!.