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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the difference of a determinist and a fatalist?

Question: What is the difference of a determinist and a fatalist!?
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Hard determinism agrees with the position that If the past had been different then the present, future would be different!.

Fatalism suggest that what is, was, or will be is completely determined!. The past being different is a negligible question in fatalism since the past, present, and future are completely predetermined!.

Hard determinism is based on past to present casualty relationships!. !. Hard determinist don't regard the initial event "Big bang etc" which predetermined everything which was to come after as inevitable!. The Universe could be a much different place!. The initial cause was not determined itself!. Determinism leaves room for probability and chance in the very beginning!.

Fatalism is based on predetermination!.!. The hard determinist makes the logical leap that casual relationships caused this or that event!. Fatalist deem casual relationships as negligible!. Events don't cause others!. Everythings predetermined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fatalism and Determinism
Regardless of the exact articulation of fatalistic necessity that one accepts, virtually all agree that it should be distinguished from the necessity of determinism!. This distinction is especially important since determinism can be legitimately characterized in precisely the same way as fatalism: whatever happens must happen!. The necessity of determinism is causal or natural necessity; all events or states of affairs are causally determined by antecedent states of affairs and the laws of nature!. Alternatively, determinism claims that it is logically necessary that given an antecedent state of the world and the laws of nature, a particular subsequent state of the world will occur!. On the traditional conception of fatalism as a logical thesis, there is no reference to natural laws or causality!. Presumably, logical fatalism can be true in the absence of any causality in the world!.

<a href="http://science!.jrank!.org/pages/933!.!.!. - Fatalism And Determinism</a>Www@QuestionHome@Com

fatalist says the final outcome is already set, but what leads to that outcome is not necessarily determined!. you can take any path you want, but they all go to the same place!. fatalism allows for free will; hard determinism does not!. (soft determinism or compatiblism holds that free will can co-exist with a predetermined future!. -- im 99% sure about that)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Determinist : We are completely in control of what happens to us!. We can DETERMINE our actions, and the effects they have!.

Fatalist: Our lives are left up to fate!. We have no control over our future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Determinists are determined to make being a fatalist fatal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com