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Position:Home>Philosophy> Evolution, Big Bang, etc. make me feel apathetic about life, fake gods are no be

Question: Evolution, Big Bang, etc!. make me feel apathetic about life, fake gods are no better!. =(!?
I'm feeling very apathetic lately!. All I've been hearing lately is how meaningless life is!. Okay so they're saying that a hot, dense mass exploded and over billions of years of randomness and death we accidentally ended up here!. Oh, and don't give me religious bullshit either, because it's just that - bullshit!. But at the same time I'm feeling very apathetic about life and the universe and my significance and I've been having ideas about harming people and then killing myself!. Like I've been considering purchasing a shotgun and going to a schoolyard and murdering young children!. Okay, well if all of this evolution and big bang stuff is true, then can you honestly say that it's "wrong" for me to do this!? Aren't I actually helping us by killing off the weak or something!? And no - DON'T tell me that some fake god is going to send me to some fake hell or something either, because there's no proof of that whatsoever and that god would be one sick mother ******!. I'm so confused, please help me out!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
> "I've been considering purchasing a shotgun and going to a schoolyard and murdering young children!. Okay, well if all of this evolution and big bang stuff is true, then can you honestly say that it's "wrong" for me to do this!? Aren't I actually helping us by killing off the weak or something!?"

I hope you aren't being serious about this!.

But to actually answer your question - no, you'd just be murdering innocent children!. In what way, evolutionarily speaking, are children necessarily "weak"!?

The closest anyone has ever come to this sort of thought was Eugenics, which promoted sterilising those who were "genetically unsuitable" such as the mentally or physically disabled!. And even this was missing the point about human socialisation, and why THAT has been evolutionarily selected for: there are many traits of humans which are undesirable (greed, jealousy, etc!.) which have been evolutionarily selected for because they promote survival!. But there are also the social interaction traits of cooperation and compassion, which have also been selected for by evolution (see "reciprocal altruism" and the "gene-centred view of evolution")!. Human instincts may often be abhorrent, but they don't HAVE to be!.

Remember that you don't have to look to some external agency to give you purpose and meaning!. You can make your own purpose: you have family, you have friends, and you can "make your mark" on the world and make a difference to humanity!. Isn't that enough of a purpose for you!?


How can you be apathetic about life!. You May not believe in god or the concept, but you can't ignore the fact of our evolution!. Not just oh we evolved from monkey's, but the whole range of the evolution of society and culture, the evolution of mankind, the wars, the technological achievements!. I don't believe that the hardships and achievements of mankind will end with a "big crunch " or the "big rip"!. It's absurd to think that we are here for no reason and that there isn't a god!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you cannot cope with reality, if you cannot understand that morality does not come from some mythical supernatural being, it is the natural process of living in communities!. If you cannot accept that science is the examination and expression of reality!. Then you have two causes of action to choose from:

1 go into therapy and find out why you need to live in a dream world!.


2 live in the dream world completely and just hum "la la la" when anyone or anything that contradicts your world, is said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if your smart enough to understand the immense impossibilities that lead to us walking around on this rock, then you should be smart enough to see why being a human is so f*cking awsome! and how dare you think its ok to kill another human because theres no god!. the reason the world needs a god is to help keep weirdos like you scared of ruining our eden!. so wake the f*ck up and start loving everything around you because it wont be here long and it wont miss you when your gone!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, you are not helping anyone by killing off the weak - you are merely exposing your own weakness by showing that you fear the existence of others!.

You can help us, by helping the weak to become strong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look at the night sky and try to absorb the distance and size of those stars!. It all tells us how insignificant our problems are!. So it is OK not to get worried about what is going on around us!. It is OK to relax and enjoy this spark that is our life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it is true that we are unimportant to nature itself, but important by self nature!. Evolution is survival of the fittest, which means we must be a strong species because even our weakest survive!. Understand the we do have a purpose, which is to be!. Do not let your ego be intimidated by the universe, for she is our mother, our mentor, and friend!. The truth is bitter-sweet, life is just sweet, and death is sweet peace!. Every life of intellect has the opportunity to contribute to the species in order to reach our goal, understanding the universe!. It appears to me that your reasonable mind is able distinguish reality from fiction, so love the curse of truth that was blessed upon your beautiful mind, for many have not the opportunity to see truth as you do, or would you rather be dumb and happy!? For if there is no point in life, then there is no point in eating, sleeping, being confused, or writing this message, or killing others!. Just because the universe has not explained herself to your ego, does not mean you should be mad at her or yourself, for if she tried, we would not yet understand her adult language, due to our species is still infant compared to her!. Instead of being upset with the universe, thank her for the breath and time she is allowing you to perceive, and thank her for creating you with the ability, to understand!. Do not bite the hand that feeds you, just because the hand is greater than we!. Our purpose is here, right here, right now, the talent you possess is the key to self fulfillment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Willy, I can identify with you greatly because I felt the exact same way (and still kinda do!) when I abandoned my Christian faith!. I was a Christian for the first 20 years of my life, and when I started to doubt my faith and eventually leave it, I felt incredibly empty!. I hated life!. It's been a few years now and I'm coming to terms with a life that has no objective meaning !.

I still have much to learn, but I realize that each one of us has a small time on this earth, and we might as well try to be happy while we're here!. And if happiness is perhaps the greatest goal, why shouldn't other people deserve it as well!? Our realities are subjective; you will find almost everything in this world is merely an opinion!.

But this is what I think about under the stars at night, smoking a Romeo y Julietta: at the end of our lives, our bodies will decompose and reenter the cycle of life that has been going on since the start of time!. Part of me is coming back as the soil, and part of me is coming back as a flower, and part of me is coming back as a butterfly!. It continues!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com