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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that authoritarian leaders are the most feared but the least respec

Question: Do you think that authoritarian leaders are the most feared but the least respected!?
Thanks a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Authority without intelligence and compassion is NOTHING!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You cite a conflict of terms!. To be Authoritarian one commands respect, love and fear!. To instill fear but be without respect from those who fear you is the rule of tyranny not authority!. A dog is able to bark, stand on guard and instill fear, you would not call it authority, or worthy of respect!.

Authority is one who has self discipline, power and mastery of will that is the force of authority and acquires respect because it is wise, loving and equitable!. If it is loud, aggressive and insulting others simply have no desire to compromise their dignity by interacting with such a person or group!.

Fidel castro the last of the Great Dictators is authoritarian, loved and respected!. The great tyrant America has done much to compromise and destroy his power, yet he remains, frail, aged but in good spirits!.


If an authoritarian style of governance is married with a genuine care for the well being of those governed and a respect for them then people will(mostly) see and respect that, if only sub-consciously!. If an authoritarian style of governance is coupled with a disregard for the people and is typified by self serving actions and greed as evidenced by the current Labour Party in the UK then disrespect, disillusionment and distaste will follow!.

Fear only follows if the regime/authority exercises fear inducing policies such as violence and intimidation!. Just like Labour Town Hall councils with their army of arrogant little Gauleiters!.


Sometimes we need authoritarian leaders 'cause they r always decisive!.
They could be most respected plus fearedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. People will lay down their lives for a leader whose authority they respect!. They'll do what an authoritarian leader says, but resent it and get revenge when they can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, they're just idiotsWww@QuestionHome@Com
