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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is the ego intrinsically good?

Question: Is the ego intrinsically good!?
Everyone is familiar with the arguments targeted at killing ones ego or transcending ones ego!. But what about its counterpoint!. Is anyone arguing in favor of the ego and if so what are their arguments!? Even if the ego is not considered "good", can it be said to be pure, or real, or how things are meant to be!?

Please - no endorsements for ego-busting paths to God or enlightenment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If someone argues that the ego is good it's not really them saying it, its there ego!.!.!. and when people claim that they are aware of there ego and therefor more enlightened it is once again there ego telling them-self that they are!.!.!.!.

I was reading a book called A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and in it he spoke about the different layers of the ego and as he was talking about how the ego is bad he wrote about how he has friennds in Malibu there for wanting "Us" the readers to view him a certain way!.!.!. My Ego doesnt want to go anywhere todayWww@QuestionHome@Com

I could argue for and against the ego!. In this case I will argue for!. According to the philosopher Ayn Rand man's ego represents his independence and sense of self!. As man becomes part of the universal "we" or "ego" he loses his true sense of self in the crowd!. Most people these days have lost part of their sense of self because of society's obligations and regulations, in other words we are all restricted and we can never be truly free!. However, because we all gave up part of ourselves to society we're not alone and there is "order" in the chaos!. Remember the independence and freedom lost when one's ego is sacrificed for society and mourn for your ego!. One's ego is worth mourning for!.

Yes, the ego is pure and real but I don't think pure ego was meant to exist or at least our world has it out for pure ego!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The ego is susceptible to prescriptive and descriptive constructs, and as such is as much a victim of reality as a player in that reality!. Though this is the universal teleology of the ego, it is also dynamic, in that the exact composition of the ego varies from individual to individual!.

Thus, no universal philosophical argument can be applied that is completely ameliorative to all egos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well the ego is an internal issue!. it would be hard to imagine that even the most pure of souls dont have an ego!. and there is no possible way to transcend our ego completely!. so i guess it is possible for one to be good and wholesome and still have an ego!. the reason the ego is seen as a bad thing is because its seen as a selfish thing!. people with larger egos typically are self-centered!. its hard to help others and the world when all you can do is think about yourself!. i think finding a balance is whats important!. finding a place where your both happy with yourself, but still see a need for improvement!. and at the same time its important to understand that other people do matter and that helping other people is just as good if not better than helping yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the ego is pretty much a gray area!. To have some ego, or confidence can help not only you, but be positive for the people around you!. If you're always sulking over yourself, for example, that helps nothing!. On the flip side, too much of one is annoying and pretty much limits psychological growth - when you think you know everything, you can't learn!.

So, I think the ego isn't bad or good!. It all depends on how a person handles it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ego is what boosts confidence and raises self esteem/importance!. If someones ego is high its a good thing!. If its overly high that can be a bad thing!. I think it depends on how you use your ego!. If you use it to put others down or make them feel inferior you should really check it!. Thats just my opinion!. We are all important!. Some of us have things or traits that are noticeable and give them good charecter!. Nobody should think there gods gift or act as such!. Arrogance is lame and shouldnt be tolerated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, Your 'ego' gets you in a world of trouble! And you attract it, the more you look in the mirror!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ego in moderation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I totally agree!Www@QuestionHome@Com