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Position:Home>Philosophy> Until a certain age, I put in a sincere effort to challenge myself and discover

Question: Until a certain age, I put in a sincere effort to challenge myself and discover myself through introspection!.!.!?
and observation!.!.!.now I find myself slightly more cynical of others' intentions!. Is this the indirect result of knowing too much about human nature!? Why am I not more trusting the more I delve into understanding human nature!?

How can I gain back that genuine and intense ability to see the best in others again!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Learning is a lifelong process, even now you continue with this very question!.!.!.

The answer you seek friend lies in the fundamental law of perspective!. Life is not what you see, simply what your mind interprets it to be!. The half full half empty glass is an example of this!. im sure you get me here!. use this mindset to percieve the side of human nature you wish to understand and/or accept!.

you are more cynical because in order to understand yourself you realized that you must be fully honest!. to be fully honest with yourself is to understand the foundation of your intentions and decicions through self observation and intervantion of your reactions!. and because you have begun to discover them, you may begin to clearly see through into others as well!.

to simplify things a bit!.!.!. we all wear a mask that dictates how others interpret us!. to have removed your own mask and see yourself clear as daylight and cut the crap so to speak, you have become aware of the true face of others around you!. giving out your inner honesty without recieving it the same leads to the distrust of those around you!.!.!. or say, you hate the false personality around you however well consealed it may be!.

so to actually answer your question!.!.!. if you want to feel sincere to others and find the best in people !.!.!. put your mask back on!. and use perspective to ignore things you dont like!.!.!. thats all you can do, as you may have once did before before you found your true inner self!. because truth is!.!.!. you can hide all you want!.!.!. from yourself!.!.!. or from others with your masks!.!.!. but you cant change the truth of human nature that is in us all!.

at least most people cant!. the only way is to be honest with yourself!. and most people fear being honest!. it makes them feel empty inside!. people fear honesty, and what they dont know the most!. this is what makes people hard to change!.

i wish you luck in your new found quest to understand the human race!. because you are just scratching the surface!.

[edit] oh just to add, though this post may be cynical itself, dont take it the wrong way!. i am simply relaying to you what i believe the truth is to your answer!. in reality, as you learn more and more and deal with the inner side of people, you will find yourself in an almost lonely place!. i wont get into that here, but know that i havnt given up hope on people!. and if my gut instinct is pointing me in the right direction here, then i hope neither do you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"If you fail, as men have failed in their quest for a vision that should have been possible, yet has remained forever beyond their reach -- if, like them, you come to think that one's highest values are not to be attained and one's greatest vision is not to be made real -- don't blame this earth, as they did, don't damn existence!. You have seen the Atlantis they were seeking, it is here, it exists -- but one must enter it naked and alone, with no rags from the falsehoods of centuries, with the purest clarity of mind -- not an innocent heart, but that which is much rarer: an intransigent mind -- as one's only possession and key!. You will not enter it until you learn that you do not need to convince or to conquer the world!. When you learn it, you will see that through all the years of your struggle, nothing had barred you from Atlantis and there were no chains to hold you, except the chains you were willing to wear!." (Atlas Shugged, p!. 755 - 756)

When you were a child, it was easier to trust!. You are now wiser, and your eyes are open to possibilitties the child did not see!. If you keep learning, you will learn to separate those who deserve your trust from those who do not!. This effort is not wasted, as the fewer friends you get this way will more than justify the effort Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm not really sure you can undo what you did!.

maybe you could make it a point to believe that others have the best intentions, and trust others!. and just look for the best in others!. if you try hard enough for a long enough time, you could gain those abilities once more!. it's would be very gradual, of course, but i'm sure it'll be worth it in the end!.

good luck!
