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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe we must abolish all race names and country names, abolish all bio

Question: Do you believe we must abolish all race names and country names, abolish all biological racial descriptions!?
Do you believe we must abolish all race names and country names, abolish all biological racial descriptions of all living beings, so that we and all other beings could live together in a great family, permeated by mutual love and friendship!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You state an interesting question!. I agree with the motives in this, however I feel that we would lose more than we would gain with this!.

We would be losing all the culture and history that goes with that races and countries!. I think that would be a pity especially since there is so much we could learn from it!.

A utopian society, in my opinion, would be too perfect!. Think of how much living we wouldn't be able to do just feeling happy all the time! As humans we must experience the greatest joy, the lowest depths of embarrassment, and even the hard fist of depression!. I think in order to really live you must feel much more than mere happiness!.

Good question! :) I hope my response makes you think as much as your question made me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe the word race ought to be removed as a definition of ethnic or cultural diversity and that education ought to offer up similarities as easily as it offers up differences!. I also believe there ought to be more emphasis on equality between men and women with respect to their differences ( being solely biological )!. After all, God created men AND women, and a woman belongs at a man's side ( where the ribs are ) as an equal companion to man, not his slave or concubine or any other entity!.
I also believe in a more equal way to keep free enterprise to a standard where it is mandatory to limit how much someone can make but still live comfortably with the excess being distributed for the greater good!.
I believe these and many other things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Realize the underlying principles beneath names and labels!. We create names and descriptions to describe what we see and feel about race, religious beliefs etc!. People are not defined by the labels placed on them - rather, the labels are placed there merely to describe the differences that DO exist!. Regardless of whether you remove a label from someone, they are still - black/white/asian/hispanic, etc!. which we can visually see, and therefore differences will always exist!. Removing a label will not take away peoples inherent discrimination's or feelings about people who are different than or who have different beliefs than them!.

A Utopian style society may be possible in a situation in which all people look the same, talk to same, have the same religious and philosophical beliefs, etc!. But as long as these differences exist, there will always be conflict!. Labels describe peoples feelings about something, they do not create how people feel about something!.

For example, say a person with white skin first met a person with dark skin - they looked at each other and noticed differences between each other, and then said I will call these people white and these people black to explain those differences!. The labels do not create the differences, they just describe them!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, we should!. !. !. !. Oops, "We" is exclusive (excluding anyone who is not part of "we"), that word should be banned!.

Anyway, we should get started this Thursday!. !. !. Oops, Thursday is derived from "Thor", implying a supremacy of the norwegian race!. That word is racist, and should be banned!.

Anyway, when I was in Miami!. !. !. Oops, Miami is an native american name, that word is racist, and should be banned!.

Anyway, I was listening to the blues !. !. !. Oops, "blues" is an idiom derived from the african american reference!. That word has racial origins, and should be banned!.

Aw, never mind!. I just changed my answer to no!.

While there are many cruel racist conditions that need to be rectified, there are infinitely more racially-derived contributions to our culture that are welcome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How many people are bullied because they have big ears; are fat; have a speech defect; are skinny; are short!?

What is lower and upper class!?

How come there was a war in Ireland involving Protestants and Catholics!?

Racial bigotry is an obvious form of bigotry!. Never underestimate a humans' talent for unthinking, intolerant behaviour!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That would fix a lot of things but there is no way to know the overall negative effects it may bring with it!. Remember there must be a balance in the world everything has its opposite so if we have complete harmony there will be an imbalance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. That is not the answer!. The answer would be to find a way to eliminate quick reactions to hate and to work towards understanding, compassion, trust, caring, and empathy!. That would translate to love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What you describe is utopia which we will never experience!. An impossibility that would probably bring its own disadvantages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think one day we would finally do that!. It may take 10,20,!.!.100 years it would finally end up this way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Show us proof of a better way and we will follow!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think racist humans should all be color-blind!.
Well that's just my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com