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Position:Home>Philosophy> English is not my mother tongue. Plese help me understand this paragraph.Thanks?

Question: English is not my mother tongue!. Plese help me understand this paragraph!.Thanks!?
"once one man said that the computer is now our new god and that technology is our new pantheon!. I heard another man tell me books keep us from dying and living!. And yet another man tried convincing me that impermanence is the essence o f life!. In the end it all came down to that my mother had died and I left home and never really knew anything but a question mark!. That's when I found out that we are all really artists and our life's our masterpieces!. The concept of emptiness in this context makes perfect sense to me!. Which would be the creative nothing!. Once realized there are not many limitations to experiencing the richness of existence" -Peter Ogdan Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think he is talking about how there are no real answers in life, that we are all in control of our own destiny's and finding what makes us happy as individuals as well as experiencing all that is good in life!. There are no limits to what we are capable of achieving!. First he talks about how people think technology is god!. Then he states the opposite; How others think books are what will answer all of our questions about life!. Then another way of thinking is "Impermanence" which is some form of Budhist belief that nothing is permanent!. That all things without exception will change!. Then he states how not even our parents will be able to tell us how to live or the meaning of life!. Again, we are all in control of our own destiny's and the "artists" of our own lifes!. If we chose not to treat ourselves like "masterpieces" then we will be empty inside!. There are no limits to what we can achieve! Www@QuestionHome@Com

You would get better response if your question is posted in Education>Word and Wordplay category!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mother tongue - that made me chuckle
Sorry I don't know ehWww@QuestionHome@Com

we are all players in the grand scheme of things our lifes are our masterpieces but it is a small part on this grand stage we create what we create we are leaders or followers we can march to the same drum as others or a different drum the differences( or the same) from the norm make up our indivuality our end goals are pretty much the same it is the path we take to get there that is so different a lot of times it is too late to seek answers because the one that can answer them has passed that is way we have to spend precious time seeking answers to build a base for the questions we ask of ourself in the future of way- how we got to where we are now in the road of life we dont know what the physical future holds for us if we have certain spiritual beliefs we feel we know what the life after holds for us i know i got off the subject but it felt good rambling onWww@QuestionHome@Com