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Position:Home>Philosophy> What was the dominant philosophy of the Middle Ages called?

Question: What was the dominant philosophy of the Middle Ages called!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The most prominent philosophical school during the Middle Ages was called scholasticism, represented most capably by Thomas Aquinas!. Scholasticism devoted most of its energy to interpreting the newly discovered ideas of Aristotle (transmitted to Europe from the Middle East through Muslim Spain) in light of contemporary metaphysical and theological concerns, such as proving the existence of God and deducing the nature of divine qualities!.

Prior to the rise of scholasticism, the prominent schools of medieval thought were the opposing views of the "realists" (who believed that ideas existed independently of and prior to material things) and "nominalists" (who believed that the only existing things were individual material objects and that ideas were only the names of these things)!. Scholasticism, just like Aristotle before them, took a middle position between these opposites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Medieval philosophy
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History of
Western philosophy
Pre-Socratic · Ancient
Medieval · Renaissance
17th · 18th · 19th · 20th century
Postmodern · Contemporary
See also
Eastern philosophy
(Babylonian · Indian · Iranian
Chinese · Korean)
Religious philosophy
(Christian · Islamic · Jewish)


v ? d ? e
Medieval philosophy is the philosophy of Europe and the Middle East in the era now known as medieval or the Middle Ages, the period roughly extending from the fall of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance!. It is defined partly by the process of rediscovering the ancient culture developed in Greece and Rome in the classical period, and partly by the need to address theological problems and to integrate sacred doctrine and secular learning!.

The problems discussed throughout this period are the relation of faith to reason, the existence and unity of God, the object of theology and metaphysics, and the problems of knowledge, of universals, and of individuation!.

For to continue please got to link: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Medieval_ph!.!.!.




joe, still it's better to say christianity because of the protestan reformation and even the chuch of england were born in the middle ages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dude, 'Rtas Vadum is right!. Even more so, though, it was Catholicism and Islam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.rich and powerful rule!.!.!.poor people, and slaves!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com