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Position:Home>Philosophy> I want to know that where is decided sunshine from date of birth or name? Actual

Question: I want to know that where is decided sunshine from date of birth or name!? Actually according my name i!.e!.Ashok
my sunshine is Arises which have been followed from last 20 years!. My date of birth is 22nd Oct!. 1987!. so, what sunshine should be followed by me according name or date of birth!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
sun signs depend on date of birth
March 21 to April 20
Aries Traits
Adventurous and energetic
Pioneering and courageous
Enthusiastic and confident
Dynamic and quick-witted
On the dark side!.!.!.
Selfish and quick-tempered
Impulsive and impatient
Foolhardy and daredevil
TAURUS April 21 to May 21
Taurus Traits
Patient and reliable
Warmhearted and loving
Persistent and determined
Placid and security loving
On the dark side!.!.!.!.
Jealous and possessive
Resentful and inflexible
Self-indulgent and greedy
May 22 to June 21
Gemini traits
Adaptable and versatile
Communicative and witty
Intellectual and eloquent
Youthful and lively
On the dark side!.!.!.!.
Nervous and tense
Superficial and inconsistent
Cunning and inquisitive
June 22 to July 22
Cancer Traits
Emotional and loving
Intuitive and imaginative
Shrewd and cautious
Protective and sympathetic
On the dark side!.!.!.!.
Changeable and moody
Overemotional and touchy
Clinging and unable to let go
LEO July 23 to August 22
Leo Traits
Generous and warmhearted
Creative and enthusiastic
Broad-minded and expansive
Faithful and loving
On the dark side!.!.!.!.
Pompous and patronizing
Bossy and interfering
Dogmatic and intolerant
August 23 to September 23
Virgo Traits
Modest and shy
Meticulous and reliable
Practical and diligent
Intelligent and analytical
On the dark side!.!.!.!.
Fussy and a worrier
Overcritical and harsh
Perfectionist and conservative
September 24 to October 23
Libra Traits
Diplomaitic and urbane
Romantic and charming
Easygoing and sociable
Idealistic and peaceable
On the dark side!.!.!.!.
Indecisive and changeable
Gullible and easily influenced
Flirtatious and self-indulgent
October 24 to November 22
Scorpio Traits
Determined and forceful
Emotional and intuitive
Powerful and passionate
Exciting and magnetic
On the dark side!.!.!.!.
Jealous and resentful
Compulsive and obsessive
Secretive and obstinate
November 23 to December 21
Sagittarius Traits
Optimistic and freedom-loving
Jovial and good-humored
Honest and straightforward
Intellectual and philosophical
On the dark side!.!.!.!.
Blindly optimistic and careless
Irresponsible and superficial
Tactless and restless
CAPRICORN December 22 to January 20
Capricorn Traits
Practical and prudent
Ambitious and disciplined
Patient and careful
Humorous and reserved
On the dark side!.!.!.!.
Pessimistic and fatalistic
Miserly and grudging
AQUARIUS January 21 to February 19
Aquarian Traits
Friendly and humanitarian
Honest and loyal
Original and inventive
Independent and intellectual
On the dark side!.!.!.!.
Intractable and contrary
Perverse and unpredictable
Unemotional and detached
PISCES February 20 to March 20
Pisces Traits

Imaginative and sensitive
Compassionate and kind
Selfless and unworldly
Intuitive and sympathetic
On the dark side!.!.!.!.
Escapist and idealistic
Secretive and vague
Weak-willed and easily led

Do you really follow the teachings of astrology and the Zodiac!? The stars have moved very far from when the Zodiac was made!. How can it work, when the stars have moved!?
