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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the first you are going to experience as soon as you die

Question: What is the first you are going to experience as soon as you die
As soon as you die what is going to happen to you!?

Have you ever been very impatient with life!?

Do you get nervous when you are around other people!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, religion teaches me;

1!. I will go toward a bright white light!.
2!. There will be people that I use to know waiting to great me in the light!.
3!. I come to a big gate and there is a guy with a big book called "The Book of Life!." He looks to see if my name is in the book!. If it is in the book, the gate opens, and I walk into heaven!. If my name is NOT in the book, angels pick me up and carry me over to the "lake of fire" where my soul then burns to death!.
Do not know if this is all true!. No one has come back yet to verify it!.

Yes, EVERYONE get's impatient with life!. That is called BOREDOM!.

Yes, I get nervous around people who are loud and people who are angry!.

probalby for a lot of people especially in our life time that the "after life" experiences of the people they heard about and dismissed were actually true!. And then the awful felling that maybe they should have looked at life more objectively!.

For instance science never expleained the source of life to them!. Or what made indivicuals be the way they are!. And that one souce that has been around for thousands of years, the spiritual iview of man *** both a physical and spiirutal being was the corroect one!.

So here is the sequence!. There are 5 statges of death:
1!. Denial, 2!. Anger 3!. Barganing 4!.Depression 5!. Acceptance!.

But after death!. Disbelief that life was more than man ever thought!.
And that they should have been really open minded to the whole experiences of man!. And not been so closed minded to the idea of an individual soul that will one day be accountable to their creator for all the actrions and deeds they did in mind,and deed!.


Well, this is really 3 questions in one!.!.!.but I do think they are related!. Let me explain what I know!.

Since time is governed by our brain and since when we die our brain dies, we will finally "be" as "is" is the instinctual now!.

As thought activity in the mind slows from hyperactivity to calmness, your perception of time begins to change!. Time is no longer only linear; it's no longer bound to the intellect!. Instead, as the mind is stilled and you operate from a peaceful awareness, time exists only as a progression from one moment to the next!.

When your intellect yields to the limitless space of your spirit, hurry and worry become distant memories!.!.!.and you are finally free!.

We are impatient when we live in the brain, not our spirit!.

We get nervous around people because we fail to sense who we really are!.!.!.unless there is a valid reason to feel nervous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First thing, and last thing I am going to experience: the loss of being me!.
I do not know what that will be like!.
Whether or not experiences go beyond that, I know that they can't be mine!.

Impatient with life: like, impatient to die!? No, but I've felt weary of the world and wanted to hibernate, a few times!.

Nervous around other people: Not in general, nope!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aaron: How can experience anything when your central nervous system is dead!? It is that system that connects your consciousness to all your experiences!. Do you think that somehow your spirit is going to float around somewhere taking in experiences as if through the mystical ether!?

my site, Thank you!. http://freeassemblage!.blogspot!.com/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Death by definiton is the failure of our vital bodily organs to function!. Which means brain as well!. So you dont experience anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nobody ever came back from the dead to tell us his or her impressions, sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

PEACE!. Nothing but peace, whatever that might be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com