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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do middle aged people love each other .. with more intensity .. than younger peo

Question: Do middle aged people love each other !.!. with more intensity !.!. than younger people do !?
Do you agree with this question statement or not !?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, yet with normally much clearer judgement and maturity that middle aged people may passionately involve themselves in a love affair!. As they are more capable of controlling their own minds and feelings with discretion in a particular situation than younger people do!.
Younger love is truly intense too due to some other reasons beside having that energetic, carefree, curiosity and candid attitude in so many ways to a loving relationship!. Sometimes being prohibited from being free and too much restrictions from elderly people make their feelings and attitude well challenged in a situation!. It tends to suppress their emotions until it may possibly end up in an overwhelming passion!.!.Then there could be possibly an outbreak from getting wild with expressing their emotions at its most intensifying way to a loved one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would need to know your idea of "young" and "middle" aged!. Are we speaking 12-25 and then 40-50 !.!.!. it could be so various!. I would also need to know which type of "love" you are referring to!. Are we speaking in terms of love as in physical and emotional or just emotional!?

I am going to agree, but disagree with the statement!. My answer is going to be based upon young in the age range of 15-20 and middle in the 40-50 age range and speaking terms of physical and emotional love!. I think both age categories can experience lust and desire with the same intensity, but there may be different reasons for the intensity!. Younger people may experience a high intensity because love is such a new feeling to them, it is bewildering, yet exciting and thrilling!. Middle aged people may experience a high intensity because it is also thrilling and exciting, but not because it is new to them, but rather after living through the ages of experience they have found that unique spark in someone that is as close to their ideal perfection that has been acquired through the years!. Younger people may easily fall into love for the sake of "love" itself; middle aged people may not be as swift to fall in love because they probably have already tasted the sweet and bitterness that it can bring!. Both age groups can have the same "intensity", but for different motives!.

Now having said that I am speaking in generalities here because every individual is different and their views of love and experiences in life are different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you are younger there is a lot of lust built in with the love!.

As you get older the lust mellows somewhat and the love continues and I have to admit actually intensifies!.

As you build up shared experiences together the love for each other gets greater!. I am more in love with him now that I was when we were younger!.

Many elderly people actually die of a broken heart not long after their partner dies because their love is so full!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Young love is very intense, but it's mostly physical!. As people grow older, their love expands into many more areas!. One of these is trust, and understanding!. One of the most beautiful expressions of love is knowing that you can trust your partner with your life - quite literally - and that trust will always be honored!. There is a caring that comes with years as well - and that is a gentle and nurturing love!. There is also the physical love, but it is only a small part of what older people know as 'love'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont know if with more intensity but i do believe it's the real thing!. Nothing is cuter than watching a couple thats been together for 20 years still hold hands!. Young love is really just lust or most of it!. I think this quote says it better: What's so remarkable about Love at first sight!? It's when people have been looking at each other for years that it becomes remarkable!.-unkown!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have no idea what you consider middle aged!.

However, at 40, I remarried!. Been married 24 years!. We had been living in "sin" for a couple of years!. Love!? Don't know what you are referring to but here is what was going on with us!. At the beginning, the feeling of love was intense and overwhelming!. We had sex all the time!. Now, the feeling of love is is intense and overwhelming but sex is not so important!. We haven't had sex in some time!. It doesn't matter!. Love is what matters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. When you reach middle age, love will worn out and replace by dependency relationship!. Meaning that they are staying together not because they love one another but because they need each other!. That is why people said marriage is a graveyard for love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it reaches a different level!. Not necessarily going up or down, just a different level!.
Throw children in the mix and everything changes!. You get to watch what you created grow and become independent!. That's a different level!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish I knew, my husband can't stand me after 25 years of marriage!. We were pretty intense when we were young!. I would like to be in love again, but it will have to be with someone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that the intensity goes down, as the energy goes down with age!. But they love eachother with more confidence in the fact that they love eachother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe they do if they've been together so long you feel that you need them and when you are young you do love but there is quite a bit of infatuation with the personWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe the intensity turns into a solid, unmovable structure if done right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

daddy derrell's wife: yes, they don't take each other for granted!. were beyond the looks we have fat rolls and wrinkles and false teethWww@QuestionHome@Com

In a good relationship, as time goes on "The fire burns less bright, but with more warmth!." My parents taught me that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im curious, what about middle age person loving a much younger person though!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

wiser love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com