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Position:Home>Philosophy> What can describe loneliness better... talking without being heard or suffering

Question: What can describe loneliness better!.!.!. talking without being heard or suffering without stirring compassion!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really like that, I think of anything better!.
I googled this in an attempt!.

~ Loneliness the clearest of crystal insight into your own soul, its the fear of one's own self that haunts the lonely!. ~
share this Loneliness saying Keith HaynieWww@QuestionHome@Com

talking without being heard - there are people who are lonely in all walks of life, most are lonely even though they have significent others, family, friends and work collegues!. Probably the lonliest is the person who dislikes their job so much they come close to prefering to jump of a bridge than go to work!.

People who are really lonely are usually struggling with something in their life which makes them feel trapped!. Whether it's a job which doesn't bring in enough money, a job they dislike, or more than one which takes them away from family!. Bogged down with study/exams/life commitments/balancing jobs!. A partner who brings them down mentally or physically, or both!. Balancing looking after elderly relatives, disabled relatives and holding down a job!. Not having enough time for themselves!.

Usually the most lonely people are those who are the most busy and/or who have the most people to care for!. They have lost all of their inspiration, creativism, hopes and dreams!.

Suffering eventually erodes compassion, it can make a person who has not received compassion become selfish for self-preservation reasons!. Those who have received compassion can lack compassion themselves for different reasons, they feel they are or have been the only people to suffer!. I've seen this with many people who have survived cancer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we already live in a world where we talk and other never fully listen!. People always have other things going in their heads and when we speak of our issues probably only less than half gets comprehended!.!.!. so talking without being heard is probably a norm!. But suffering without stirring compassion, sounds like a given!. When we see someone in so much pain it should be natural to have compassion for them, so I definitely believe that their is more loneliness from the lack of compassion from others!. I think we have to have a certain level of compassion and emotional sensitivity to always approach others, even strangers in this manner!.

Thanks for reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Either can describe loneliness, for they are 2 different types of loneliness!. The former is one where you feel truly isolated, that you are trying to reach out to people yet they don't get what it is that you're reaching out about!. The latter is more that you are longing for something -people may understand this and get what ails you, but they done really have an answer so they can't provide anything to really get you back on the right track!. i don't think either is really a better description, they're just different descriptions of different types of loneliness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question!. Talking and not listening and stirring compassion but not feeling any is the other side!.of that personality feature!. Better move on to better people!. When you meet people that speak similar thoughts, their talking is like being heard, but do people who suffer similarly compassionate: may be yes, may be no!. I want to say that I being incompetent in the truth in others, perceiving self in a ruthless dishonest world, fearful in partly unconfirmed fears is loneliest because that uncertainty of validity in ones own thought makes self a prisoner in self!. What ever is the truth in the other, I shall not become that ingenuous traitor paranoid but simply a person cautious for their own safety and security!.


I have never understood what people mean by loneliness!. Because being alone is not loneliness!.!.!. If you are forced into being alone don't you discover unimaginable resources within and around you!? That's what people stranded on an island/at sea speak of!. But if you have defined your entire existence around the goodwill/compassion/sympathy of others, you break up every time life gets tough!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i say suffering without stirring compassion!.
when you talk!.!.!.!.sometimes you talk for your own benefit anyway!.
suffering is more extreme!.
if no one cares!.!.!.that's harsh!.
i would rather someone care for me than listen to me!.
becuz honestly!.!.!.!.sometimes i talk BS!.

i describe loneliness as having no one who listens long enough to hear your pain!.!.!.and thus neglects to care that you are in pain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.suffering without compassion has got to be one of the worst forms of loneliness known to mankind!.!.!.one may get over the injustice of not being heard, but once the voice has been made, it becomes a sorrowful cruelty if it is not gathered into the caring bosom of anotherWww@QuestionHome@Com

Talking w/o being heard designates loneliness of the moment!.Suffering w/o stirring compassion describes dignity & pride !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sometimes u talk and everybody listen to u and show their compassion and alot of good friend r around u but still u feel lonely in ur heartWww@QuestionHome@Com

talking to yourself about your own sufferings and not stirring any compassion, that is true loneliness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

having a BO medical condition is suffering w/out stirring compassionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely, the latter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

talking without being heard, currently living that way in a relationshipWww@QuestionHome@Com

suffering without stirring compassionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Talking without being heard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com