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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is evidence? Why do we believe in it? What is its connection to truth? Is i

Question: What is evidence!? Why do we believe in it!? What is its connection to truth!? Is it really objective!?
I asked several questions but please feel free to simply give me your opinion on what evidence is, how we attain it, and why its a reliable source!. Or how you feel about evidence!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow, Grimey, you're still hanging out on Y! Answers eh!? Been a long time!.!.!.

Evidence is a "packet" of information whose truth or falsity effects the likelihood of a given hypothesis being correct!.

You can't define evidence in a vacuum, it is only meaningful in relation to a question at hand!. For example: We take a sample of a 17 year old tree and discover it has 17 rings in it!. The determination of the number of rings in this slice of wood is information, but it is only "evidence" for the hypothesis that tree rings indicate the age of trees, it is not "evidence" for the hypothesis that if I were to contact Glenn Close that she would most likely agree to go on a date with me!.

Therefore, its connection to truth is: it gives support to the probability of certain hypotheses being true!. In this manner I would say it is more closely related to Belief, than to truth!. Philosophers insist that to be Rational, one should hold their beliefs in accordance with the available evidence!. Evidence provides a grounding for Rational Belief (which is supposedly our best approximation of Truth)!.

Is it objective!? Well I suppose to the extent that you believe anything is objective, evidence could be objective!. In that Evidence is simply Information (by my definition) it is objective!. Information is objective!.!.!.But! Interpretation of information!.!.!.attribution of Meaning to Information!.!.!.that is less objective!.

It is hard to address some of your questions, because it seems as though you are functioning with a vague definition of what "evidence" is!. So I think I'll leave it at this for now, hope it was as great for you as it was for me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evidence is the amount of proof necessary to convince a large majority that they should accept certain information as established fact!. We attain evidence by searching for what another will accept as "proof!." (proof being the foundation on which the information will have been "proved" this can vary from person to person, as one may need more or less foundation in order to establish proven status) In a court, evidence must built on a legal foundation!. (when speaking to a Judge) Whereas in the same court (when speaking to a jury) the evidence must be built on what "proof" the jury is most likely to believe on a personal level!. (this can lead to overused fallacy) Evidence can be established only to a point!. Example: Any event that was witnessed, even by an entire nation, might not be accepted as evidence in another country, depending upon what standards that country accepts or rejects information as foundation for "proof!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) evidence is data gained through rigorous intersubjective agreement (which is the definition of objectivity)
2) We believe it because it works to help us produce theories that can predict future events and helps us function more effectively!.
3) Open criticism and repeatable evidence allows us to establish a level of certainty, as close an approximation to truth as we can get!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evidence is shared perceptions of how we interpret Reality for what it is!. When we are agreed because the 'Giveness' or self-evidence of Reality is irrefutable, then it is evidence!. What it is is what it is!.

But, as 'things' change, alternative evidence accumulates and paradigm shifts, Reality checks happen because of the shared perception of what constitutes evidence for a Theory, a Paradigm, a Government, for shared Values, and the Idea We the Humans think makes most sense can change, evolve and expand consciousness!.

Evidence can be used to write propositions such as Galileo did, and as Darwin did after visiting the Galapagos!. When these propositions "pass muster" by being indicative of Reality, by being 'peer reviewed' so to speak, then those words and ideas are incorporated into our consciousness because they now 'stand for' something previously unnamed!. Our collective consciousness is now expanded!. We know something!.

However, that is not what I "feel" about evidence, because getting emotional about "evidence" is no basis for anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evidence is something that backs up a statement!. We beleive in it because we choose to!. Truth is what we beileve in!.

Everything is objective because we will all see what we want to see, and essentially live in our own worlds completely different from everyone else's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha, someone is taking philosophy classes at the local college!.

We are all reasonable people, so most "evidence" is based on a certain amount of reasonable "expectations" or imperical evidence!.

I always say, go with your gut!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evidence is something that can be proven by either a: some sort of unaltered record, B)or something that can be reproduced over and over from the same experiment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com