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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your opinion about this speech(about Religion)?

Question: What is your opinion about this speech(about Religion)!?
"I'd rather live believing there is a God and die to find out there isn't than to live believing there is no God and die to find out there is!."

kindly give your criticisms or reflections!.

how about it's appropriateness!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Whoever that came up with that quote is obviously a religious person, since to an atheist, the god concept isn't real or exist, so the term god doesn't even bring any meaning!.

Its like saying, I'd rather bring an umbrella with me even if its sunny out there in case it rains later, rather than not bring any because its sunny out there and later got hit by the rain!.

In that tought, no matter which side you are taking, both side has to acknowledge that there is a possibility that it may rain

So, if a person ponders about that, then obviously he's not an atheist!. To atheist, there's no chance god will exist!.

So, to me, that's more of a religious person who fears the concept of god!. So he rather play safe than sorry!. But bottom line is, a part of him believes in it, and furthermore, he believes in afterlife!. He is playing safe because he believe in the probability that god exist and will punish him or whatever!.

So this person decides to "bring the umbrella" incase it rains, because if it doesn't, he has nothing to lose!. But he knows it may "rain" and he fears of "getting caught out in the rain"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a nice phrase, and don't get me wrong, I'm a believer, but wouldn't it be the ultimate redemption to learn He does exist at the gates of heaven!? I mean take it from a non believer's point of view!.!.!. "I've lived a life of sin AND get the gates of heaven!. God forgives all right!? so lemme in!"

It's like having the cake and eating it too, no!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a Christian, I agree with the statement!. I don't know how people can live without God in their lives!. When I had strayed away from God, I knew everyday, that He was there waiting for me to come back!. It was a joy when I did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com