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Question: Afterlife!?
What are you're ideas on the afterlife!. Do you believe more in a religious heaven sort of thing, or do you have you're own theory on what happens to you after you die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I used to believe in heaven and/or hell but I have since become enlightened!. I think there is something that happens to your life force "energy" after you die and you come back as another person without any knowlege of your former self!. As reference, the law of conservation of energy states that energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another!. So I believe the type of energy that makes up our life force will be made available to a new human during conception!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are a lot of theories concerning what happens to you after you die, I believe that every one of then has some truth to it!. It can't be as simple as 'heaven and hell' or as simple as 'you just die'!. I believe in two theories: when you die you relive your whole life, if you have regrets and didn't do what you were sent to do, you relive your life, making every mistake again!. But if not, you enter Paradise!. Or when you die you stand upon a bridge no wider than the edge of a sword!. You hold all of your 'good deeds' in your left hand, and 'bad deeds' in your right, then you either fall towards Pardise or hell!. What happens in Paradise or hell is unknown and should stay that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you die you simply become your mind!.
No mass no senses no body no voice
You will be free to travel anywhere in the universe and travel through time at the speed of a thought!. You can create your own heaven or hell or wander the Earth holding on to things you dont want to leave!. You can imaging anything and its there!. You will be alone of course as if you cant communicate using your mind alive so you cant when dead!. Death is just a lucid dream but who says life itself is not a dream we are yet to wake up fromWww@QuestionHome@Com

well, I'm Muslim and Islam says that once you die your sole doesn't leave your grave and two Angele's come to ask you these questions who is your god and who is your prophet and what is your holly book and if you answere them right you will rest peacefully and if wrong you will be torched until the judgment day (end of the world) where you will either be put in heaven or in hell!.!.!.!.!. so if you ask me i would say i don't believe in ghosts but i do in after life!.!.!.!.!.!.!.hope you learned something interesting and new and hope i answered your questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that heaven and hell are experienced right here on earth!. Examples of hell, when someone we love dies etc!.!.!.Examples of heaven, a new birth etc!.!.!. We all experience good and bad in our lives and I believe those are heaven and hell!.

I also believe we are reincarnated as another human being and that are previous lives are still a part of us by which we can remember and see through our dreams!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What was the start of all of this!? Why do we have to endeavor!? How will this end!?

Life is like the water, what we know is a drop of water; what we don′t is the big ocean, so imagine!.

if you are still living you are endeavoring to get a better future, but even that the future is too close, so is better not thinking about it!.

but if you want to be ready for the next life, you have to change the world, but first change yourself!.

where you end is where you startWww@QuestionHome@Com

I just think death is a welcoming end to a boring life!. I don't see anything for an afterlife, I just see you being there, then you don't know it happened- but you're dead!.!.!. you can't feel or hear or see or know anything!. Causee!.!.!. you're non existant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Afterlife is the beginning of the end of this life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think after our souls leave our bodies, we have no more pain and return to a place that is very familiar to us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

absolutely nothing, death is the end!.!.!. poofWww@QuestionHome@Com