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Question: How important is perspective in our lives!?
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I think that it basically creates our lives!. Different perspectives result in different view, opinions, feelings, and reasons to perform different actions or responses!. It's what distinguishes everyone as being unique and becoming their own individual!. It creates who we are, our wishes, desires, etc!. The world appears differently to everyone, which is why perspective is so defining!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I would say that perspective is what leads us to live our lives how we are living it!.
Without perspective, are we meant to follow whatever the crowd says or believes in without knowing whether or not it is right or wrong to us, and our own morals!?
We've all got to have some level of perspective in our lives, to develop our own attitudes towards certain behaviours of the society and then decide whether or not to act!.
A picture cannot be seen in only one perspective!.
If we all had the same view of everything in the world, imagine how incredibly mundane things would be!. We've got to step back, and just look at the big picture!.
Ergo, it is pretty important :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you think of perspective as I think of focus, and I don`t know the difference though there might be one, then it is the number one in importance!.

In order to have better perspective or know what is a better focus, then one must acquire a variety of choices and the more the merrier!. So how do we go about discovering this ever-growing pool of choices!?

There are two that I can think of offhand!.
First, by suffering and seeing what we would prefer, the hard way!.

Second, by studying!. Picking up information on different cultures, different times, and keeping up with new discoveries so that we can find joy instead of the above!. This includes travelling to other lands, very valuable!.

Actually I just thought of a third tool which is actually a sub-set of the second one, that of temporarily suspending critical sensor!. This means that when one encounters a different opinion or belief, and that could happen while reading a book or whatever, that one accepts the new information like a pair of shoes!. Put them on and walk a few miles with them before discarding them!. Often people are afraid of doing this because they think that if they do, they will never be able to go back to the original one!. That fear is baseless and leads to lack of perspective!.

Thanks for the question!. This was fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we definately need perspective greatly, and to be able to put anything into perspective helps us make right decisions most of the time and also helps us see things a bit more clearly!. Sometimes, a problem can seem big and unsolvable, but once narrowed down and put more into perspective it can be seen in a different light,, so yes, perspective is rather important in our lives!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It isn't always easy to try to see things from another viewpoint yet it is very useful if we want to be informed!. Ask any businessman!.

Added perspectives in our life can show any weaknesses in our ideas and opinions and might call for us to make a few changes!. If you can see an argument from more than just your view then you can be a fairer judge of the matter!. I daresay this applies to everything in our lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perspective is part of what keeps us civil as well as helping with emotional grounding!.

A better understanding of the bigger picture, including the plight of others, the customs of other cultures and simply different takes on a problem, all serve to help us sever the "isolation" of life and find common ground!.

Note how people without much perspective (think kids, teenagers and, nowadays, most twentysomethings) are often caught up in their own problems, and that those problems are often greatly exagerated in importance!.

With experience (which usually brings perspective), much of the hubbub over life's trivial challenges tends to fade into the background and people learn to focus on the real problems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

besides the essentials of breathing etc
perspective is the most important part of our life
being that everything is thought
then our thought is our perspective
if you believe your screwed then you are
we are creative beings
our thoughts create our reality
our reality is what our perspective is in regards to the over all mass conscience

Two men look out one set of bars
one sees mud the other sees stars

Glass half empty or full etc etc etc
great !? star for youWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is fairly important to have perspective in our livesWww@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.keeps things orderly!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com