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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do Parents blame the Media?

Question: Why do Parents blame the Media!?
For there kids going bad when they start entering their teen years !? They blame Video games, Music, Movies, etc!. Are they bad influences !? YES THEY ARE!. Is it the parent's job to teach there child right from wrong either way !? YES IT IS!. I grew up listening to the gangster genre of Hip Hop but that didnt make me go and "smack a b*tch up" or ''pop a cap in a pastor's azz"!. I used to play mortal kombat , but i didnt go out trying to slice someone to pieces if i got into a fight with them!. I always watched scarface, goodfellas, and casino but i didnt sell drugs or get into any illegal business!. You know why !? Because my authority figure always was there to teach me that its just entertainment and they taught me right from wrong and how the real world actually is!. They werent that lazy parent who lets the media and there child's peers raise there kid!. And yes , i know everyone doesnt have an authority figure, but the ones who are authority figures should stop putting the blame on the mediaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
parents blame the media cuz they dont do a good job with their kids so they want something 2 blame 4 their mistake n they blame the media cuz they dont want to admit their mistake!.Www@QuestionHome@Com