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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is FLIRTING 'chemical', 'biological', or some 'game whimsica

Question: Is FLIRTING 'chemical', 'biological', or some 'game whimsical'!? 'Healthy', or 'Deadly'!?!.!.Why is that!?
I don't understand why that when someone says nice things to another, it's often said that it's flirting!. Can one be sweet with words and not be mistaken as a 'flirt'!? (just a question, nothing personal)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is a METHOD to a MEANS, and those who don't "recognize" it might be better off!?

In the female gender it may be less intended, and more of a natural way of behaving in attempts to communicate!? For the male gender it is most usually driven by a specific agenda!. I may be totally out of the ballpark, but you did ask!.

Beyond that rhetoric, it may also depend on the delivery, and the receiver!. I could offer crude, even insulting examples but won't!.

I suspect DEADLY might only be some perceived notion, unless one believes similar movie themes to be most real and common!.

So much of why it happens is to gain some sense of self gratification, some assurance that what we say is taken as an HONEST expression of what we truly feel and mean!. An Obvious example, might be for a male to openly state outloud, even to a complete stranger (female) "WOW, you are HOT!." "HE" could have felt that and kept quite,,, I suspect IF in fact the female was "HOT" she knew that already, and probably flaunts it!. "HE" might have offered that statement, in some innocent way, or sense, but the perception by HER or others, could be, "OK, here comes the next part of the PICKUP line!."

Beyond that, there is no sin in honestly being complimentary, or friendly, but there are often LINES in a COLORING BOOK, we all might be best advised to STAY IN!. That applies most often to those who don't know another, or assume,,, about another!. AND,,, even in a most private sense, a compliment might, and perhaps should be taken as a flirting experience!. Obviously that might best happen in a positive sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Flirting is something that has a sexual or romantic component to it!. If someone is commenting that a person is flirting, it is likely that person is not aware of the social context of what they are saying and doing!. Or their are faking their innocence in the matter!.

As flirting only happens with specific people, it is a chosen behaviour directed to specific people for with a specific intention!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Flirting is healthy inasmuch as both the parties recognise the limits!. It can be fun!.!.!.morale boosting!

Like someone here pointed out, its an Art! An expert Flirt is a keen observer and looks out for the signs that tell him when to stop or change tracks! Some guys are so good at it that they never offend the ladies with their extra attention!.!.!.contrarily, they always make them feel good about themselves!. Even the most reticent of a lady wouldn't get mad at them!.!.!.no more beyond calling them 'naughty'!.

But at the same time the game can become deadly if signals are misinterpreted!.!.!.by either or both!

*You* found out!!! But I didn't hide from You! I said that much, didn't I!? Same *P* to my dear friends!.!.!.so get used to it, Dear Jach!.!.!.err!.!.!.Achen!. What was it that The Great Poet said about a name!? A 'P' with any other name!.!.!.!.!?!?!?!? ***GRIN***Www@QuestionHome@Com

Flirting is fun! It's a compliment!. It may go somewhere - but usually people take it far too seriously!. It's really no more than testing the ground, with that delicious sense of danger that comes from fear of rejection!. So what the hell! Flirt away, lightly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Flirting is good natured fun combined with a bit of wishful thinking!. I'm from the South, where flirting is an art form and a way of life for most!. It's not to be taken too seriously and it is intended to be complimentary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say it's mostly a healthy game, with a bit if chemistry thrown in for good measure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com