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Position:Home>Philosophy> Define God...?

Question: Define God!.!.!.!?
The answer is as simple or as complex as you would like it to be!.

Is God a phenomena of physics!?
an anthropomorphic divination that is the sum of man's desire!?
a force!?
a state of mind!?
an actual being!?
an expression of psychological dependency upon a patriarch!?
!.!.you get the idea!.

Feel free (only if you hold the belief) to deny the things mentioned above and shun the notion of god as a being or as being!.
For example; god is an excuse/lie that X and Y!.!.

and so on and so forth!.

Everyone is welcome to define "god" especially pantheists, agnostics, atheists, and so on (but also religious people)!.


I want to know some definitions of "god" that maybe I haven't thought of!.


NOTE TO RELIGIOUS PEOPLE: please be concise, if god is an all loving being, than say "god is an all loving being!." don't tell me what god does or doesn't do in his spare time!. I just want the definition!. ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Winter Glory did quite well, but I would go a bit farther because the concept of God was created much farther back than the time of Christian Fundamentalists!. Since man had the need to control another man, there has been some form of God and each culture has one!. Some even have many, but it has always been about control!.
Using Christianity as an example, if you look at the Old Testament, you see that control and fear were the principal devices used!. "God" loved his people, but there were more power plays employed to keep the people in line!. As people pulled away, something new was needed and the New Testament followed, still employing fear, but adding the element of Love as the primary guiding force this time!.

God is something different to many people!. I live on the west coast so I know many people who believe less in a "GOD", but in a force or energy, some believe in a higher power, but still call it God, others simply believe in nature and choose to call that their God!. Sadly, those that do believe in the traditional God tend to be less tolerant of those of us who choose to not believe!.!.!. (if you don't believe me, just look at every time an atheist (a passive atheist like myself, not one that likes to provoke), but everytime an atheist posts their opinion, and watch the thumbs downs just pile up!
I can't even tell my family or the people that I work with my non-religious preference for fear of being ostricized!. I could tell them all that I have become a lesbian stripper who has become homeless and has chosen to move into a Las Vegas dumpster and they'd come to terms with that before they'd ever come to terms with my lack of belief in God!.!.!.

A recent article in Vanity Fair showed that the US is getting closer to electing a person of the jewish faith to the presidency, a mormon, even a muslim or someone who is gay, but I believe it was over 70% of those who were polled said that they would not vote for an atheist!. Hmmm - religious freedom!? As Susan Sontag once said, only if you have one!

I do think that in our society, the breakdown of the "God Delusion" (with apologies to Richard Dawkins) would cause anarchy!.
But as to What is God!? He, It, She!.!.!. whatever you want to call it, is only whatever you want it to be!.!.!. in your own mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is the sense of life!.!.!.
If God or "any" other similar entity (whatever you call it) doesn't exist than we are trapped on earth with no purpose!. We humans don't have a great sense to live, we just need to get the "plantation" going, meanwhile all the generations must (try to) return to it's holy origins and life!. A life without a sin!. The reason is the comeback to the father!.!.!.

P!.S!. Everything has an end, even scientists confirms our Earth's end, that proves that there is not a infinite number of generations!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is loving and caring he even sent his only sin to die for you on the cross!. trust me it was very hard!. you know that we live in a solar sytem!. you need to go to the nasa website and check out some of those picsd there you can't describe them!. okay another cool fact!. laminin is what holds you together and it is in the shape of a perfect cross he loves us so much we have his mark!Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is a mystery,
With a perfect energy force!. As a Divine Supreme!.
An Almighty powerful Creator of the universe!.
As He was defined Eternal as the universe can ever be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God: n) A non-existant diety created by Christian fundamentalists as a mechanism to deter negative behaviors with false promises of eternal salvation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In very old religions there are many gods!. Not so old religion believe in one god!. Atheism says no god!.

Can you see the trend!. GOD is in the list of endangered species!. Please save GOD;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The thing or person or ideal or anything that you believe in & entrust your life & soul to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

GOD GREAT!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He is the source of Knowledge of the material world and the essence of PURE love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People will never be able to define GOD !!!
can you put the whole water of the sea into a small hole of sand on the beach !?
But GOD is really good and mercifulWww@QuestionHome@Com

You have defined him admirably, yes there is much to to be said but youre on the right track!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doesnt exist! people just dont want to go to hell or anything so they worship god!.Evn tho hell doesnt exist either!.!.!.!.well i hope it doesnt!.!.!.cos i`d be screwed!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All-knowing, infinite, perfect being who created us imperfect beings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The person or thing that created and controls our world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your identity!. All there is of reality!. There is only One!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wishful thinking from a naive populationWww@QuestionHome@Com

God is a mythical being created to explain the unknown!. Now obsoleteWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ignorance ! Thy name is GOD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is a human concept!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a fictional beingWww@QuestionHome@Com



Our state of mind has to take role especially when we believe in God or when people pray!. What we do what we say whatever it is that we do we function with our mind!. What we choose to believe what we dont is all decided using your mind!. Put it this way, a person would not be able to believe in God without a mind!. But then again, maybe god gave us a mind so we can believe and communicate with him!. Plus people all need psychological dependency whether itd be talking to friends, spending time reading books!. What we normally do for "fun" as we call it i think are actually a time where we are getting rid of all the stress and getting ourselves back in a healthy state!. Besides when people says God helps people from problems,!. or makes people happy, im pretty sure thats psychological dependency!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't deceive yourself, you cannot define God!. Defining God only puts limitations on God, whereas God is supposed to be limitless!. Whatever definition you give would be incomplete!. I ask you, how would you define the intelligence of whoever or whatever it is that made you !? Your eyes, nose, ears, your blood, your heart, lungs, liver, spleen, whatever !! How would you describe Him !? The greatest scientist !? But He is far greater than the greatest scientists because no scientist has ever been able to give life to anything, not even to the tiniest of insects!. How can we use our puny little minds to define God !? If you were a tiny little fish in the ocean, would you be able to define the ocean !? How big is it, how deep is it !? So, you simply look at His virtues and sing His glory!. I prefer to think of God not as a God of reward (Heaven) and punishment (Hell) but rather as a friend who is forever with me, protecting me and guiding me through every step of the way (as He is doing right now in writing this)!. As far as reward and punishment are concerned, He has already put His laws in place!. Whether you will be rewarded or punished will just depend on whether you abide by or break those laws!. Reward and punishment are the automatic results of our deed and misdeeds!. You see people being rewarded and punished right here on earth!. Sorry for being long-winded but giving a short answer will simply not do justice to your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com