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Position:Home>Philosophy> Should we blame The Poor for their lives of poverty?

Question: Should we blame The Poor for their lives of poverty!?
Or !.!.!. should we blame The Rich !.!.!.for being so greedy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
blame the rich why to be greedy and why not to help !.!.some rich poeple spend thousands of dollars on entertainment !.!.imagine funding one poor student and make him a effective person in the society to fund his poor family later on !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poverty can be determined in one of two ways and it has nothing to do with money!. 1!. THey are poor in heart (a poverty mindset 2!. They are poor in spirit (a spirit in poverty)!.

The amount of money does not reflect the actual poverty of a person!. I have known rich mierable people and poor happy people!.

Money and materials are not what measures one's life, if that is what measures one's life, that person measuring it is missing the point to life entirley!

I have been rich and poor in my life thus far and I only found real purpose when I realized happiness is only attined when you find God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

could be a little of both!.!. Sometimes people are born into poverty and can't get out!.!. Sometimes people's choices put them into poverty!.!. As far as the rich, they could do a lot more to help the problem of poverty but MOST, not all, but MOST are greedy!. They are afraid if they help out a little, then they might have to wear a $500 suit instead of a $1000 suit or live in a $1 million house instead of a $2 million house or God forbid they miss their annual vacation around the world!.

But the rich say it's the poors fault they are poor so they refuse to help!. The rich say they worked hard for their money and if the poor would work they could have money too!.!. Unfortunately most of the rich were born rich and stayed that way!.!. Most of the poor were born middle class or poor and can't catch a break!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are a great many factors effecting and creating poverty, but I'd say that when it comes to the developing world corruption is probably the worst thing for keeping the poor poor!. It saps governments of the resources to help the poor and it makes life much more difficult and much more expensive!. Conflict is another big problem as it disrupts efforts to alleviate poverty while also stunting economic growth and limiting markets y limiting travel!.

When it comes to the developed world consumerism is probably the biggest culprit!. Consumerism goes hand in hand with corporate greed and with right wing politics (Social conservatism and economic liberalism, ALA the Republican party)!. The former of which creates an "I want it now" society that places corporate income and consumer spending above all else making saving harder and spending easier!. While the latter creates a society where the poor are left to fend for themselves and are not given the help when they need it the most!.

The ultimate expression of this in the US is health care poverty!. In America's consumerist society health care is seen as a commodity to be brought and sold, and in America's politically right wing society health care is seen as being the responsibility of the individual!.

Thus a family in the US may be managing, but if one member falls ill (especially if they are the wage earner), then they can quickly fall into poverty as health care costs exceed their income and eat into their savings!. This can quickly leave a family in dept and in poverty!.

It is all well and good to say that they should have health care, but to many families, particularly blue collar families, this isn't an option as health care provided by employers in these sectors often covers only the basics, and wages do not provide sufficient funds to pay for a mortgage, food, and extra health care costs!.

There is also a rising trend in developed countries for selected ethnic groups to be their own worst enemy when it comes to poverty!. Since the 1980 one groups whom shall remain nameless have developed a youth culture where education is seen as being superfluous and as being a trait of the "white man", and where drink, drugs and smoking are seen as being cool!. They are in essence keeping themselves down by taking on bad habits and by promoting lifestyle where social progression and fiscal advancement trough education and industry is seen as being a sign of weakness and surrender to "white people"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends on the situation, but most often when there's a problem it usually stems with the individual to whom its happening!. At least they ,at one point in time, mostly likely made some decision to get them in the situation that they're in currently!. That goes for people who are wealthy too!. I aspire to be a millionaire before i'm 40!.!.!.i can see that its a very real possibility, but the only way i'm gonna get there is through hard work!. I grew up poor!. we ate mac and cheese almost every night, living payday to payday!. But my dad didn't ever blame it on anyone else but himself!. Things would happen like the truck would break down and he had some poor spending habits and he knew it!. But from my own personal experience i made the choice that i didn't want to live payday to payday for the rest of my life!. I saw how much stress and strain it put on my dad!. So!.!.!.i guess i say don't blame anyone, and if you do be very careful you have all the facts for the situation as they'll all be slightly different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rich and Poor is a mathematics problem, not a moral issue!.

If you earn more than you spent, you are rich!.
If you spent more than you earn, you are poor!.

The poor must understand this problem in order to solve their problem!.

To become rich, they need to find a job that allow them to earn more than they spent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here in the US our Poor people have more most of the time than some rich people do in other countries!.
What we take for granted, indoor toilets, running hot water, electricity, washing machines, (might be at a Laundromat but they are there) TV's!. radios, cell phones, all kinds of electronic toys!. Cars, (although gas is getting to be an issue) Our poor kids have bikes, skateboards, and good name sneakers!. They are warm, they have schools to go to and get free lunches if they cannot pay!. Yet money wise they are living in poverty!.

The street people are a bit different!. Most are there from choice, not able to acclimate to the rules that would allow them the safety net most of our poor have!.

We middle class are about to have an eye opening experience with not having money for more than essentials!. As the price of food, electricity and gas go up we are going to have to re-think our priorities!.
We are so spoiled, we think we are entitled to spend money foolishly!. I think that is about to come to a halt!. Seaon tickets to sports or the opera or two week vacations in the Carribean are going to be luxeries that they are!. Money will be tight!. We might actually have to say NO to our kids!. Scary!.

The rich cannot help it!. They are very different than you and I !. They live in a world where having help is normal, where travel just happens!. but they work hard for it!. Some rich people ( and I do know some) are wonderfully compassionate, undestanding and helpful in their own way!.
Others just don't get that some of us do not want to be rich just to have money!. Some of the people who have the hardest lives are rich and do not enjoy it!. It is ONLY money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I have to choose,I'll blame the rich!. There will always be rich
and poor,but poverty should never be allowed to get too extreme!. Don't forget there are rich people out there who do
give of themselves,their time and money,to try and better the
lot of others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poor!.!.!.Rich!.!.what does that mean!.!.poor n rich in what!.!.!.
Its all money!.!.money can do anything in this world!.!.poor or rich!.!.it doesnt matter!.!.the matter is how u spend ur money!.!.Happiness n love is always there for all human being!.!.n it depends to their life style!.!.
Happy with what we have!.Thank you god!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no no no, there's no point casting blame unless you're prepared to do something about it!. and unless you've been in someone else's shoes you don't really know how they ended up where they did, so it's wrong to judge themWww@QuestionHome@Com

i blame human nature!. we always want to be better than others, some people do it better than others and therefore we have the division between the rich and poor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's in the wedding vow, for better, for richer, for poorer, for worst,!.!.!.!.So blame it to God for the inequality!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Christians put it down to the 'will of God', atheists to chance, and Buddhists and Hindus blame the poor themselves!. Now, who are 'we'!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

"and the poor will be with us until the end of days" Try to fix it, it is part of yin and yang!. Communism did not work either!.

Technically we have enough food and money to feed the whole world so it really is a joint effort from the world that contributes to poverty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe we should blame the poor for not being greedy enough to work hard and save money!. And should blame the rich for not sharing their wisdom with the poor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES ! and all those people who go around
in Hooded outfits! included on this site
sugesting VERY VERY seriousley have

Something To Hide !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I blame Rick Moranis!. I don't know why, but I stand firmly behind my accusation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of the time, niether have to do with the other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


yes in a way!. because poor people are really never poor!. they just have to realize that!.üWww@QuestionHome@Com

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