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Position:Home>Philosophy> Reality is nothing more than our own perception....opinions?

Question: Reality is nothing more than our own perception!.!.!.!.opinions!?
really dont be ignorant and close-minded!.!.!.think about this

How can we truely "prove" anything!.!.!.!.what if we are merely little ants in a even giganticer world than this one!.!.!.and all that universe stuff is fake!?!? what if all these religions are just tests!?!? what if there is only ONE TRUE religion!?!? and this "leader" or the religion is testing us!?!? and the ocean!?!? what if at the bottom is a actual civilization!?!? and movies arent really anything just something we go to, to brain wash us more!?!? and this skinny fat thing is to prove to this "god" how easily people can be manipulated!?!? i started to think of this today and it really got me wondering!.!.!.!.!.what is your guy's take on this!?!?
Yes i know its kinda odd im 13 but reallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree!. There is no reality!. There is only your perception of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reality - something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily

Don't be fool by someone but follow the dictionaries and objective opinions from those who do not have any vested interest!. We can perceive this world but does not mean the world is what we perceived!. It exists objectively and independently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. The universe exists even after you die, With or without you as the U2 song goes!. Reality is deeper than your little brain or your body!. There are billions of human beings, and it doesn't take long to make one (5 minutes!?) so how unique are you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reality is subjective!. Our reality is based on our perception of real reality which no one actually knows!. The real reality is there but no one can really see it!. What we do see is our own perception of that real reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hey i asked a similar question

this is not reality merely a exact copy of itWww@QuestionHome@Com

if you want to get technical, everything you experience in this life is an electrical impulse in your brain!. you can look at a tree and say that you see it, but really, what youre seeing is the light that is reflected off of the tree!. in the same vein, what you perceive as "now" is really the past!. light travels at 300,000,000 meters per second!. while that may seem instantaneous, it is still a measurable speed!. there is always an ever-so-slight delay between the time my arm moves and the time it takes the light to reflect off of it into my eyes, and for my brain to say: hey look, my arm is moving!.

sound moves even slower!. i once watched a man chopping wood about a hundred yards away!. from the moment his axe hit the wood, he had already lifted it over his head before i heard the crack of the wood!. however, he perceived the sound and the light at nearly the same time, because the light did not have enough time to distance itself from the sound!. do you get where im going!?

and this one will really blow your mind: how can you possibly know that the color you perceive as blue is the same color that i perceive as blue!? there is no way to define color!. what if i perceive the color you call blue as the color you call red!? i still call it blue, but how would we ever know the difference!?Www@QuestionHome@Com