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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is it so different on What we look in the Mirror....?

Question: Why is it so different on What we look in the Mirror!.!.!.!.!?
compared to what we look in Pictures!?

have you ever wondered which is the more accurate representationWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have an answer but its totally unphilosophical, I also have to say Brian is kind of right!. Studies show that we process and recognise the left -side of the face more than the right side!.!.!.(when i say left I mean when we are looking at a face in front of us our left hand side which is actually the right side of the face we are seeing, but for simplicity lets say its the left side of the face because its ON OUR left-hand side when looking at it)

!.!.!.so due to our brains left-side face bias, because we see ourselves mostly in mirrors, which reverses left and right, we see ourselves differently to how eveyone else does!.

Likewise when we see photos, this is how others see us, because our faces are not a mirror-reversed image!. I included a site that talks a little about face recognition!.Its not entirely relevant but it does show images of a regular photographed face; a face composed of two left sides and a face composed of two right sides!.!.!.http://www!.viewzone!.com/bicam!.html Remember we are left-side face biased so the regular face will look more like the left-side face composite!. see for yourself!. also scroll to the bottom and click bicameral images and you'll get more examples!.

(there is a minority of people who are right-side face biased, they are more likely to be left-handers and they have reversed face perception to the norm because they have different neurological wiring)

And also of course, cameras have a light flash which is very unnatural and highlights our face and bone structure in a way that we rarely see in everyday life!.

also, I also personally think that because we have 3D image of people and ourselves in everyday life we "percieve" faces wholistically whereas when you see artificially lighted 2D photos we see a fragmented image of ourself which appears almost foreign sometimes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

On normal happy days there is a radiance and translucence in the countenance and calm and peace in the heart!.

On days a=if angst and torment, the face has a what I describe as a jackal mask, whereby the feature harden, mar and a dark cloud masks any inner light!.

Thinking myself little delusioned, photographs revealed the inner demons all too evident on the outer countenance!. It s scary, but this photographic evidence retains a degree of sanity!.

The mirror portrays an image that is rarely captured on camera !.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we never remain objective when looking in the mirrow!. if we feel bad, then when we look in the mirrror we view our selves as looking bad and vise versa!. when you look in the mirror you are looking at what you want to see!.!.if you are looking for flaws you will only see your flaws and etc!.

a camera on the other hand will always remain objective!. it will tell you how it is!. that's why people who have weight issues are poor dressing habits are always in denial until they see a photo of them self and go "holy crapola i'm huge" or "dang i thought i looked nice that day"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Number one; we are our own worst critics! I don't know anyone who looks in the mirror and truly sees themselves as a god or goddes with the most! We always find something about that face staring back at us, that we wish we could change for the better!. The best or worst part of us, goes way deeper than our face!. It is who we are!.
The same is true with our voices!. What we hear back, does not sound anything like what we hear when we speak!Www@QuestionHome@Com

mirror is what u see urself as!. pictures is how other people see you asWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because you are looking at the yourself NOW!.

The picture can only show what you WERE!.Www@QuestionHome@Com