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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have u ever thought of what happens when u die?

Question: Have u ever thought of what happens when u die!?
like is thare a place pple go to when u die!.!.!.!.
are you re born in to somthin else n have no memory of ur passed life!.!.!.
or is it just the end, nothing ,blackness
thats creepy when u start reallly real think bout it

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes, I've thought about it and it freaks me out but then I remember that I am wasting precious seconds and minutes thinking about this and that some day I will understand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, I was thinking about this alot today!.
I was just recently reading this book about this girl who dies, and she ends up in this other world, an afterlife!. but you dont grow older, you age backwards!. so when you reach zero, you return back to earth as a baby and start all over again in a different life!. And when youre in the little world place, you can also look through this tv thing to earth and watch your family or friends!.
I know this isn't fact, but it was really interesting!.
I have no idea what happens when you die, but I'd like to believe it's like this book :)
But it's such a mystery!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

May this one please to recommend "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying", by Sogyal Rinpoche as perhaps you will find some of the answers that you seek there or, at least, it may be a good place to being your own spiritual journey!.

It is taught that when one pass from this present manifestation, that which is of material nature returns to the universe and that which is spiritual or the essences of the being passes into the bardo, a place in between nirvana and the physical reality of the present moment!.

IN the bardo, through interactinos with the beings one may meet there, one begins to learn that which did not learn previously!.
If one has prepared for this journey, then one will know to gree those who are presented there without judgment, espcially wihtout judgment based on their appearance!.
After one has passed through the bardo, one can choose to enter again the samsara, or the cycle of rebirth again or, if one has fully awakened, one may chose to leave that cycle and enter nirvana!.
However, an enlightened being would probably choose to forgo nirvana so that it might return and assist other ones who are seeking enlightenment!. Such beings are called bodhisattvas!.

In Zen, we are taught to reflect upon the true nature of our being , which is "non-being" with each breath and each moment as all that had a beginning will have an end due to the impermanence of all that exist in the material world!.

remember, that which is truly your essences has always been and always will be!.

Do not fear death, simply "be"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are a lot of theories about it, and I imagine that you can't really know unless you've died!. Which means for anybody alive to know, somebody who is dead, would have to come back and tell the person alive !. !. !. I'm a strong Christian so I believe in Heaven and Hell, and I also believe in karma!. It's basically whatever you want to believe!. There are a lot of books you can read about it!. Since like 8th grade, my favorite book about after life was "The Five People You Meet in Heaven," which has an interesting theory as to what happens when you die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I used to think about it all the time!.

Until I eventually realized that it doesn't matter what happens!.

Everything is binary:
Either there is an afterlife or there isn't!.
If there isn't, then there is nothingness!. There is (literally) nothing to fear in nothingness!.
If there IS an afterlife (which I doubt), either it is just or it is not!.
If it is just, then I will be judged by my deeds and not my beliefs!. I'll be fine!.
If it is unjust, the choice is clear!. Join the opposition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think all human beings are afraid to die bcoz is something unknown and all the unknown generates fear !.
Although I'm christian, I dont believe in a hell and heaven as has been told to us!.
For me heaven and hell are on earth, while you are alive!.
After dead, I like to believe that there is another way of "life"!.!.!.!.
may be another dimenssion!.!.!.!.or re-encarnation without remembering nothing about the past lives!.
Anyways!.!.!.!.!.who havent ever had the sensation of being in a place where we know certainly that havent been b4, but we know well what we'll find round the corner!.!.!.!.or inside a building!?!?!?
I cant explain it!.!.!.!.!.!.but that happens so often to many pple!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's done!. Your body decomposes or is cremated or eaten by a bear or whatever and your component parts are returned to the planet!. There is absolutely nothing to suggest otherwise, so get over it!. Do what you can with the life that you have and try to live decently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have not given that much thought-Asking questions that are not humanly possible to answer is not really my thing!. However I have thought about the consequences of my death and stuff!. When I die I don't want to be missed or anyone to know I'm dead-That's weird I know but its what I want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm fairly certain it will be as exciting as before you were made!. It's a hard reality to accept, and people don't want to, but you're better off enjoying your life rather than wasting time worrying about this and hoping there will be some magical utopia in the clouds!. Because there isn't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yep, being one who doesn't really believe in the idea of heaven whenever I think about death I get really scared!. I realize that when I die I'm merely going to cease to exist!. It's pretty hard to grasp such a thought for me but that's what happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm going to say its between nothingness and another life!. i dont believe in one solid higher power but i do believe in other, higher forms of existance, maybe in other dimensions!. you should try past life regression hypnosis, it could answer somethings for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, in my opinion our spirit/energy leaves our form (body)!. Energy never dies, where it goes is still to be determined!. I honestly think it is beyond what our minds are capable of understanding!. My guess is, into the energy field of the universe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe our spirit leaves our body and goes to either Heaven or hell, depending on how we lived our lives here on Earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this is what i think!.!. you die!.!. and you get reborn again into another human being!.!.but before you do you get to see who you were your past livesWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i've thought about thisWww@QuestionHome@Com