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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does anyone agree with me???

Question: Does anyone agree with me!?!?!?
Life is relativley short right!?!?
So why not do everything you want to do!?!?
You only live once and so many people worry about how their actions will affect others and what others will think of them, why is that!?
You should live your life the way YOU want to live it, not up to societies expectations!. Who cares who thinks you are a bad person b/c you did something 'wrong'!? Who cares how much money you make, or the car you drive, one day it will all be gone anyway!.
So many hide their feelings because they're afraid of what others will think of the truth about them!.
We shouldn't be this way people!.!.!.life is too short to hide what is true about us!.

Dont take life too seriously!.!.!.!.!.no one gets out alive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thank you! Yes i am only 13 years old and yet to live the greater expectations of life; but you just made my day go from a wreck to lovely!. b/c i am now in a suituation that is VERY hard to deal w/!. my house burnt down on feb!. 25 this year!. and 5 people including me are live w/ sum man in a 2 bedroom shack! we dont have enough money to get through this!.!. i dont care about my possesions!.!. i am just thankful that no one was hurt! but today i was told that i will have to live in a camper with my family on a peice of property that WAS supposed to be our "camp ground" but turned out to be $100 thousand dollars worth of crap!

every one thinks that there life is horrible!!! but there is ALWAYS sum1 whos life is worse!.!.!.!. (and i cant do anything bout my house or living conditions) i know my bff has a boy friend!.!. and a few months ago is mom, brother, and sister were killed in a car accident!. so i am very fortunate!.!. people to live their lives the fulliest and appreciate everything they have!. and not worry about wat others are thinking cuz trust me i am almost 100% sure that their life is not perfect either!.!.!.

thanks soooo much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, people agree with you!.

But no, you are for the most part wrong!.

You owe a great deal of your safety & prosperity to society so blowing it off is a bad idea!.

If you think life is short now, try living it when no one has a problem with killing you for a dime!.

Not saying you shouldn't sieze the day, just don't sieze it at your brothers expense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

More or less!. But if doing whatever one pleases just because 'life is too short' harms or hurts others unnecessarily, think again!. The same 'short' life' appears unendingly long if one is hounded by guilt, resentment or bitterness!. And one gets so much from society, so you have to put something back!.!.!. can't just have everything your way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hear what you are saying - but to acknowledge that our actions, thoughts and feelings have consequences is also vital!. We each leave a footprint behind when we leave, we can't control that!. What we can control is what that footprint looks like! Do you want to be a positive influence!? Or a negative one!. I definately agree that material posessions have nothing to do with anything!.!.!. they distract us from our real purpose if anything!. Interesting thoughts though!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's rare to see a person in possession of such views who also knows how to use the word their!. The implication of that remark is that you have much to learn!. Most people are actually very good and generous and caring and NOT greedy! Governments are the problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I totaly agree with you money is made to be a bigger issue then it should be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

all people worry is 'bout MONEY:]

I wish it was that easy!. Surviving the opinions of others is an achievement by itselfWww@QuestionHome@Com

I TOTALLY AGREE!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree! GO WILD PEOPLE!! Aslong as the things we wanna do don't break the law or harm anyone, then we should definitely do the things we wanna do!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you about not getting wrapped up in material things and money, it seems to be most peoples demise!.!.!.as far as what others think!.!.well i do not think we should be overly concerned however, it is normal to want to be a good person who helps others and cares for others!.!.!.part of fitting in life is fitting in society!.!.!.its a lonely world out there doing what you want stepping on others!

I also agree that if you want to do something, travel, job wise, etc!.!.!.go for it!.!.why not!

as far as feelings!.!.!.sure share your feelings with the people you love!.!.!.always let them know how you feel !

I take it you do ot believe in eternal l ife!?!? That counts way more than this short life on earth!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree!. We have to live our lives responsibly and not carelessly!. We should always strive for goodness and not always for what feels good!. What feels good isn't always whats right and can negatively impact our lives and the lives of others!.
I agree we live in a materialistic society and there is more substance to life than that and sometimes it takes tragedy to learn that lesson!. That doesn't make money bad, it depends on the individual, are they managing their money to live a good and fruitful life or is the money managing them!? Money has to be placed in proper perspective in our lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com