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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe that everything is random..or nothing is random?

Question: Do you believe that everything is random!.!.or nothing is random!?
How can I believe that everything is random,,yet I don't believe in luck!?
and I don't believe everything happens for a reason, but I do believe that things happen whether we know about it or not!.
does anyone know what I am talking about!? if not,,just write me a funny poem or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes !.!.I believe!.!.!.let me hold your hand while I explain!.!.
sh!t happens!.!.
kissy kissy kissy!.!.kissy
what a pretty little missy
sometimes a reason
can feel like treason
best things in life are eazy
that is why we are so breezy
we walk under ladders
love is all that madders!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything is pre-ordered, preordained!. But since we do not have infinite knowledge or infinite power then things can look random, or unordered from our limited perspective!.

How you can believe that everything is random, yet you don't believe in luck is simple!. You don't believe in an "higher power" but you believe that you have control over your own destiny!. Randomness applies to everything outside your influence, and your (lack of belief in) luck lies within your (or some other person's) sphere of control!. But, based on your question it appears that you have found the inherent paradox of this belief!. Congratulations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kissy - according to Rhonda Byrne in her book "The Secret" there is nothing random in life!. There is no luck, there is no fate, there is no chance!. Everything in life is controlled by The Law of Attraction!. Like attracts Like!.

For humans, The Law of Attraction means that whatever you focus your attention on, what you think about most and feel and believe, more of that will be attracted to you!. So, if you think about good health you'll attract good health, but if you worry about bad health you'll attract bad health!. If you think positively about money you'll attract money but if you worry about not having enough you will not have enough!.

Life is totally FAIR and you get what you think about!.

Your poem:


or from the Bible

Ask and It is Given
Pray Believing You Shall Receive and You Shall ReceiveWww@QuestionHome@Com

First, I don't believe human activities are preordain!. But there are many random events, like the rolling of an dice!. Somethings, which may appear to be random such as lightning strikes, are not as random as one would think!.

I would agree with you that not everything happens for a reason!. It is also true that many things, actually most things, happen without our knowledge, like the birth and death of countless stars out there!.

My definition of luck is a good outcome which is random, like with a lottery!. So by this definition, luck does exist!.

Just my two pennies worth of thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe life is random!. I also believe people have good luck or bad luck!. You can only control a small portion of your life!. Many good people have really, really bad things happen to them!. They did NOT cause these things, therefore it can only be bad luck!.

*Dragonsong, that way of think only applies to people who have never had a serious illness, had an airplane fly into their house!. watched their children die, been raped, had a horrible car accident and lost their job after working hard for 25 years!. In other words, that way of thinking only applies to LUCKY people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The universe operates on principles which we learn more about every day!.
In the 100,000+ year history of humanity, no one has ever tripped and fallen up!.!.!.the sun has never risen in the West!.!.!.etc, etc, etc!.
Ask any Physicist if the universe operates on "random" occurrences!.
You will find that those suggesting that the world works at random are those who have no idea how the universe works!.
Ignorance is its own reward and serves as its best self-justification!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some things are "random," and some things are not!.!.!.


If I visited you, and we hit it off spiritually and sexually, it would be "part random" on the part of online happenstance, but part "not random," my decision to accept your invitation to "love," by flying to wherever you are, and mating with you, and becoming YOUR MAN forevermore!.!.!.

(Deep kisses on this one, Babe!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

We all have the ability to control and shape our lives!. All successful people know this!.

Most people do not know this, so they let life control them and it is "random" for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think everything is set up for us to enjoy, we just **** it up by not taking easy advantages or making choices that we know might have negative outcomes!. Thats what I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.sweet Kissy, lovely lady MISSY!.!.!.
!.!.!.life is full !.!.!.of shocks, and jocks!.!.!.
!.!.!.life or death, love and hate!.!.!.
!.!.!.WHEN!.!.!.either RANDOM or LUCK is YOUR DATE!.!.!.
!.!.!.ONLY YOU decides !.!.!.YOUR fate!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing is random,everything must have a cause!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel like what happens is ultimately predestained, but we must use what we are given and make the most of our giftsWww@QuestionHome@Com