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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's on your Bucket List?

Question: What's on your Bucket List!?
The idea is to make a list of all the things you want to do before you kick the bucket, so here are twenty things I want to do before I die:

1!. Live without regrets
2!. Date someone famous
3!. Meet a penguin in the wild
4!. Escape from Alcatraz
5!. Say something philosophical and profound on my death bed
6!. Leave everything and everyone suddenly for one year
7!. I'm supposed to travel back in time to save my own life
8!. Try and find her
9!. Leave a significant mark on the world
10!. Risk my life to save somebody else
11!. Repay my family for their support
12!. Start a family
13!. Create a successful blog
14!. Change someone's life for the better
15!. Become rich and give it all up just to prove I can do it again
16!. My 15 minutes
17!. Walk around a public place and slip people $100 bills
18!. Figure out exactly who I am
19!. Participate in a flash mob
20!. Be part of a world eventWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Graduate high school valedictorian
2!. Play for a world-renowned orchestra
3!. Become a missionary for a third-world country
4!. Write a bestselling book
5!. Learn Sign language
6!. Become fluent in French
7!. Find a good college
8!. Meet 'the one'
9!. Ride a camel
10!. Kiss a famous person
11!. Build a whole church from scrap
12!. Become a vegan
13!. Have a child
14!. Become a world renowned composer
15!. Be able to wiggle my ears
16!. Drink a gallon of milk without throwing it up
17!. Forgive my mother
18!. Learn every instrument known to man
19!. Scrapbook every year of my life
20!. Meet God/JesusWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. go skydiving
2!.save someones life
3!.finish college
4!. get married
5!. adopt a kid
6!.be a part of history
7!. go to paris, italy&china/japan
8!. have one of my photos become famous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You will find her by making yourself the best person you can!. All the other things you really need will follow from doing the same thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am GOING to be famous and visit every country in the world before i die!.
um!.!.!.!.flying would be nice
solve some world issue
save someones life
be the best chef ever
!.!.!.!.!.thats about allWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would be happy if I just get a chance to drive around the U!.S!. for a couple of months and see the natural wonders of this country!.!.!.with my wife!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1)Write and publish a book
2)Vacation on all of the Caribbean islands
3)Go behind the scenes at the national zoo and meet my favorite animals up close!.
4)Own 2 German Shepard’s named Athena and Apollo
5)Take a year off from work without financial loss
6)Lay nude on a beach with out repercussion
7) Go vegan
8) Learn how to ride a horse
9) Go on a shopping spree
10) Be in a love filled sex filled happy marriage
11) Read my poetry on stage
12) Spend a week at a health spa
13) Grow my hair back long and down my back
14) Run a 14minute 2mile
15) Stay up to watch the sunset and sunrise
16)Go to Miami and feel confident in my two piece
17) Go to wine country and taste test as many wines as possible
18) Travel the world to experience all the sites and architecture dedicated to love
19) Have smart, beautiful, talented children who grow to be morale and productive adults
20)Be truly content and in love with myself
My list goes on a bit more but i am sure you get the picture!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com