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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would you trust better a Philosopher or a Religious person ?

Question: Would you trust better a Philosopher or a Religious person !?
And why !?!?

( if you had to decide based only on just this quality )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
!.!.!.Wow!.!.!.what a "head scratching" question!.!.!.Religious people can be fanatical and that's scary to me and Philosophers are somewhat fickle on life's theories!.!.!.ummm!.!.!.I guess I would most likely settle on the religious person as long as they were open minded enough to not scare people away!.!.!.tough choice, though for I admire both sorts of people even though I have yellow caution signs up when around them!.!.!.and, to add to the point, I am a person of Faith and also a philosophically minded person!.!.!.does this mean I am a scary "shapeshifter" !?!.!.!.oh, I don't know!.!.!.my brain is tired today!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You tried to qualify the answer, but you just can't!. Trusting someone depends upon your history with that person, what the situation is, etc!. I would trust a religious person more in regards to lighting candles and ringing bells!. But I would trust a philosopher more if I wanted an honest ( unscripted )opinion regarding a challenge in my life or moral dilemma ( yes I would go to the philosopher first for moral dilemma's because they would be more open to differing ways of life and would not give me there 1 view, but would Rather talk through the issue )!. I guess I do not trust " overly " religious people, because I find them 1 sided and closed, but I'll stick with " it depends "!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Philosopher!.!.!.!.they don't always think based on the laws set down by our churches!. They have morals but they don't have to answer to a higher power whether they choose to or not to!.

I would actually say more so that I would trust a spiritual person more so than a philosopher or religious person!. Spiritual people have a set of morals they usually abide by but are more open to a large selection of religions!. Though most don't participate in organized religions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Philosophers tend to be open minded, and most of them respect other peoples' philosophy, thoughts, etc!. These kind of attitude will promote enlightenment and better decisions!.

Religious person just want you to be a sheep, an unthinking, and unintelligent being which is not capable of criticizing their ideas and philosophies but obeying!. Religious person may make dogmatic decision which is unwise, based on their religious dogma!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A Philosopher is a Realist of Life, therefore great philosophers have and had come to the realization that God exists!. Through many years of analyzing, these Philosopher's eventually become one with the Divine!.

A Religious person usually can only see with squinty eyes!. They cannot accept other religions, because they think theirs is the only way!. Very narrow-minded!.

Philosophers will search forever looking for the answers God has given them in their own hearts, whereas a Religious person is set in their ways because of how they were taught by someone else and not by using their inner guide to know God by their own means!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you will force me to choose, then I will trust a Religious person because I atleast am sure about what s/he thinks about things (generally)!. I would know that they wouldn't cross certain lines!.!.!.be it for the fear of God or their own morals!. I would also know about their rigidity on certain issues!. So I would probably know where I stand with them!. If a person has faith (whether rightly or wrongly), then its enough for me to decide on what issues to trust them!.!.and when to be wary!.

Whereas a faithless person is a drifter! He holds nothing sacred!. He can be highly unpredictable and can change with the changing times!.!.!.a Brand New Philosophy to justify his actions!.!.!.everytime!!!

Actually a spiritually inclined philosopher is so much better!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A philosopher!.!.!.because a religious person would probably reference a lot of things based on premises I don't believe in!. There are many different meanings of "trust", but if you are referring to which I would be more likely to believe the teachings of, that would depend on what they say!. Philosophy is not the type of thing where source credibility matters nearly as much as your own reasoning ability!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would trust none, frankly I tend to think that they both must have a little dose of insanity to believe in concept so strongly without having the proof of their existence!.!.!. they both have a mythological and phantasmal mind!.

but if I were to trust one of them, then I would trust a religious person because their frame is much more limited and I would surely know what to expect!.!.!. a philosopher could always offer me a bunch of (unwanted) surprises!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I trust anyone who isnt obsessed with their own agenda and blinded by bigotry to their end!.

Further, when it comes to philosophy, most so-called philosophers are people who memorize, quote and spew the works of others!. More often historians of philosophy than actual philosophers themselves!. Often times they will "believe" in a work BECAUSE it reinforces their pre-existing beliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are one and the same only the religious person is easily defined by the religion he/she adheres to!. If there was a temple to marxism then I am sure that one oen would be able to distiguish betweem religion and philosophy!. Think Scientology!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

before you expressing a trust externaly it is highly recomended to trust yourself first!.!.!.distrusting yourself make you to experience two extremes!.!.!.First you entirely and unreasonably trusting anyone!.!.!.being burned in return put you to another extreme -no one is trusted!.!.!.both is a sicknessWww@QuestionHome@Com

Philosophers research many different ways of life without being biased!. They think OUTSIDE THE BOX!.

Religious people in many ways are somewhat brainwashed by their Religious leaders because of thei blind faith!.
I say, research with your brain and feel with your heart- eventually they will come together peacefully!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Philosopher!.!.!. Because THEY provide Us with the "food for thought" to help Us create Our OWN Ideas & Decisions!.!.!. -sans any specific Bias!.!.!. !.!.!.While the Religious Person- all too often- is promoting an "agenda" or particular "belief system" that is more likely to be "self-serving" to THAT Person, than to ones OWN spiritual growth!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Religious people are more prone to being narrow minded!.!.!.because a religious person doesn't technically mean that he is studying all religions!.!.!.whereas a philosopher most likely is!. He has a broader range of knowledge!.!.!.and I trust that more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A philosopher, because generally I think they would look evaluate numerous viewpoints before using reason to settle on the best one!. A religious person is more likely to just advocate the dogma that they grew up with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well in a perfect world a religious person is general a philosopher!. however this seems not the case same with some modern philosophers who seem to be very materialist!. but a philosopher is general more universalist and hence more openWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hmmm!. Buddha was both!. Siddharta was both!. Jesus was both!. MLK was both!. I think I would only trust a person who was a religious philosopher and an outside the box thinker!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Philosophy is questions that may never be answered!. Religion is answers that may never be questioned!."

Being a student of Philosophy myself i seek truth at all costs I'll definitely go with a Philosopher !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Given nothing more to go on !.!.!. the philosopher!. Religious folk may actually be trust worthy, but their good intentions often pave the way straight to hell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


A philosopher is a lazy man and a religious person a crazy man!.



I can not make a decision based on only that fact!. I have to learn more about each person!.
Some philosopher and religious leaders are full of crap, they only like to hear their own voice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Religious Person!.!.!.

Because they are much more honest about!.!.!.

"What they know they believe in that isn't true!.!.!."

(Hee Hee)Www@QuestionHome@Com

A religious person!.


nobody!.!.!.!.because i feel both are confused!.!.!.they themself are not clear and they are creating confusion only!.!.!.!.i am now totally confused with both type of persons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A Philosopher studies logic -- a Religious person studies popular opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a religious person may be blinded!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

id rather trust them based on what they do and how they act, not on what they are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Neither because majority are igorant of the Truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would never base my trust on a person's career!. That's just a label!. I would need to know the person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I trust someone who is both, because the truly great ones are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

neather both work from booksWww@QuestionHome@Com