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Position:Home>Philosophy> What came first in evolution: logic or language?

Question: What came first in evolution: logic or language!?
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I would say logic because without it there would be no idea of language!. Why would you speak!? There would have to be logic behind speaking because speaking expected an outcome-if I say this, I get that or relay that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on your definition of the two!.
Language and Logic both come in multiple forms!. Language can be either body, written, or spoken, and logic can be logical thought, logic as a way to argue, or, as it has more recently become, a highly organized structure of organizing ideas!. Depending on the scope of the question, the answer changes!. In general, I would lean towards the broad scheme of things and say logic, as in logical thought, came first, because first you avoid fire because it burns you, then you signal for the person next to you to avoid it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Logical thought had to come first, however we express everything in terms of language so it's difficult to explain!. If you see someone eat the pretty red berries, and fall over and die, do you need words to understand it's a bad idea for you to eat them too!? That's logic!. Being able to express that logic to someone else is language!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Logic and language develop together!. An animal has to be able to solve problems, no matter how simple from the moment of birth!.!.!.perhaps even before birth!. The mental symbols one uses to direct behavior is a language!. The language to communicate with others develops in the same way, whether or not it uses words, signs, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Man hadn't evolved in any way!. He remains temperamental, moody, inconcise, illogical and unreasonable!.

A walking volatile chemical reaction, responding to the chemical reactors surrounding him, intervened by the self induced chemically charged mood swings created by his internal system!.

Language gives voice to preceived logistics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting!. I hope it was language!. If it was language, then it is like a simple computation, if logic evolved first, how is it logic and not a survival selected behavior!. If it was language, then it can be structured in logic and logic is a laugange which can be rational!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Given that many - even most - mammalian species can be show to have varyingly-limited 'languages' (ie, a distinct selection of sounds intended to convery separate meanings), and yet very few can definitivley prove any significant logical capacity, the absolute no-brainer of an answer is that language came first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Neither logic nor language!. Satan came first teaching these falsehoods!. Have you ever considered the fantastic makeup of the human eye!. How did it evolve!? What did it evolve from!? Is it still evolving !.!.!. into what!?

God gave language to Adam and Eve when He created them!.

Logic was conceived by Satan in an attempt to prove that God doesn't exist!.

If God doesn't exist, where did Satan come from!?

I like the way the English people say it: Evilution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say logic!.!.!. I mean, even something really simple can be logic: Eating that pink fruit killed my brother, thus if I eat it it will kill me!. Even other species can show logic on that level!. Although sometimes the line blurrs between logic and conditioned response!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

logic!. creating language and understanding language requires logic!. but simple communication doesn't!. like growling to show anger doesn't but gets the point across!. language is more complicated than that and requires understanding, knowing, logic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Logic, like monkeys!. Language as in words rather than recognisable grunts and wails etc as logic came first to understand the grunts and wails of fellow cavemen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

chuck norris!. !. !.

lol! probably logic, just look at babies that can′t talk yet, if they get scared, they run!. if they open the atic door and they fall down the stair they don′t do it again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably logic!. I mean, evolution happens because they've evolved by living smarter!.


Logic, you can't have language without logic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

logic !. !. !. !.figuring out how to stay aliveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Anger!.!.!.confusion!.!.!.wonder!? The questions came first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


It's language!.!. If you pick me as the best answer, then I'll explain why!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The hand on the cave wall saying !.!.!.i was here or i am here!.!.!.!.logic!.!.!.!.!.planning for tommorowWww@QuestionHome@Com
