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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you ever feel a sense of deja vu? Do you think there's anything significa

Question: Do you ever feel a sense of deja vu!? Do you think there's anything significant about those moments!?
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Sometimes I experience deja vu; it doesn't happen too often!. But I once heard someone's theory that all those dreams you can't remember, they're a prediction of the future, and when you experience deja vu, it feels as though you're reliving it because you've seen it before!. This probably only applies when you can't recollect a similar event, but it's an interesting theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think there's anything particularly significant about such episodes unto themselves!. But over all I think it (the phenomenon) is significant in what it might represent, which is the possibility that existence is traveling both in reverse and inverted!. Sort of like expanding backwards & "out" into an inflating balloon!. Our sense of time/event progression may be quite the opposite of how we perceive it!. And in that case, what we are experiencing during those moments are actual recollections from events having already happened!. A futures past kind of thing!.

Of course I also believe that the entire life span of all actuality is equal to the time it takes an electron to travel one classical inch, or about one/ten decillionth of a second!.

And there you have it!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Now you have me laughing, what a question!

Deja vu is always relative!. Life is a process of repeating ourselves but in different ways!. Life would not exist if there was not a common process that we learn, just as in breathing and in going to work or to school!.

Some things reoccur in different ways in our lives!. Like the person who gets repeatedly fired for not being subordinately friendly with the boss, the person who frequently "earns" academic awards for routine studies, all of these things are deja vu in many different ways!.

Significant!? That depends on how they affect us!. Again, there is always a qualifier! That I continually go to the refrigerator because I am addicted to Brie cheese, only to find that I've already eaten all of it, well, that is deja vu!. How about the army squad in Fellujia who gets shot at every day, how significant is that if no improvised explosive devices are detonated!?

You ask about significance in those moments, but we have to be SPECIFIC about deja vu moments, and your question is a generalization, so how can we answer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

deja vu!? just one of those millions of feelings we get that cant be discribed fully!. we are told lots of things by our concience, guide, what ever word you feel best with!. the trick is working out why your being told!. if you can its great! listen to those little moments and let them sink in!. like when your running late and getting frantic looking for those lost pair of shoes, some nagging little thing in your concience is telling you where they are!. you chose to ignore it as you are too busy looking for your shoes, but if you calm down or decide not to look for those shoes the message gets through and you find them!. deja vu is the same!. why do you think you have been here before when you know you haven't!? there is some message for you there, just let it come!. you will realise that magic is real and life can be wonderful!. you don't need religion to believe that there is more to life!. these magic moments in our lives occur for everyone reguardless of religion, social status or financial capacity!. just have to notice them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hi im 14 and i know what ur going through because i have dreams and like later on my dream suddenly comes true and i think about it!. a lady tld me that it iz a special gift to have!. i had a dream the mother came from va to visit!. i couldnt exactly see her face but i saw a floral gown!. when she came and later on that day we went to bed and i saw her reaching to me in the same position and in the same gown!. but i usually dont like it because i may have a dream about someone dying but i cant save them before it happend because i cant see the whoole picture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do get deja vu often!.
But I think it's because of either dreams or past experiences that make a situation feel familiar!.
I don't think it gives the situation any more significance, other than it is familiar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

deja vu is all about having something happen twice, or something almost the same as the first!. to me this means that someone, or something wants you to remember this feeling or thing again!.!.!.i think for a reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I get deja vu much too much!. It's almost creepy!. sometimes i get deja vu even though i know I've never been in that situation before but I've somehow already seen it somewhere!. It's so strange!. I love it though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i feel deja vu!.!.!.its weird hey! i dont know if theres anything significant about it!?!? my family has a history of dreaming and the dreams come true though!.!.!.like forseeing the future (not very often, but it DOES happen!)Www@QuestionHome@Com