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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does the notion we have of our feelings (love, hate, etc.)...?

Question: Does the notion we have of our feelings (love, hate, etc!.)!.!.!.!?
derive from bounds of the time we think we are granted for them!?

for instance, would we love faster if we knew that we only have left a few years to live!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Time can affect how we deal with our emotions, but there really isn't any way we can just decide to love faster (it's a state of mind that must be achieved via a process, and not artificially created)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it certainly does, because when you know how long you have to live, be it decades or just a few months, it has the effect on the subject to make the most of their remaining life!.
those who realise this early enough, can make the most of their life regardless of how long they have left, or if they even know how long they have left!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not for me it wouldn't, I would not believe any predictions of my death, by anyone even a doctor!.
If I die I wont know about it, if I do know about it, I wont be properly dead!.
People have told me the world is going to end tomorrow all my life & predicted I would not live past ages I have since doubled!.
Live like there is no tomorrow by enjoying today, rather than cramming it with more experiences!.

hahahaha! Dragon get with the program man, this is what to do :)
What century where you born in!? lol


i t works both ways!.if you know that you are to live for a few yrs!. more you may start true love having no sex-----youmay start having more sex because of this!.it vary from person to person and time to time!.some times you forget sexual love altogether and think of plutonic love for themWww@QuestionHome@Com

time can affect the respond we give to our emotions, as simple as that!.
our emotions are represented by our actions, and to give life to them it is either we are asked to do so by someone else or by the circumstance itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think so, killerr quesion though really made you think!.!. i think thats why every one getting there heart broken latly:) becasue GLOBAL WARMING IS GOING TO MURDER US ALL!! scaryy!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. i dont wanna DIE! not yett anyways:0

editt: yeahh!.!.!. what the person below me saidd:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think so, human emotions ussualy arent bound to time!. for EX: a dying man wont falll in love any quicker, he might be more open to it; but doesnt neseceraliy mean hell fall in love!.
i hope this makes sense!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are quite the hot questions babe!. My skull is vibrating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com