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Position:Home>Philosophy> Doing mean things as a young person.?

Question: Doing mean things as a young person!.!?
When I was younger, I was a bit of mean, uncaring person!. I said things to make other people cry or said things just out of ignorance!.

As I grow older, I sometimes think of these remarks and hate myself for them!. I wish I had a been more caring and had better values!. I know I am paying for the pain I've caused people and I will gladly take on this pain for my meanness!.

I am having trouble forgiving myself!. Should I even bother!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The fact that you have grown enough to admit that you were wrong, says that was not the real you!.

Good on you for being honest!. Of course you should bother, you've obviously changed a lot from when you were doing those things, so just forgive yourself and bless those you hurt!. If you are really worried, maybe get in touch with the people you hurt and let them know how you feel about your actions back then!.

Personally, people who hurt you badly, and just walk away on an ego trip and don't try and put it right are not understandable to me!.
If you try to put it right, then all is well!. If the people concerned don't respond well to you initially, at least later (even if they don't admit it), will think to themselves how big of you it was to admit you were wrong, and put it right!. Then they will forgive you and you can move on easily without it worring you anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, in order to forgive yourself I believe you must first attempt to make amends!. If you are unable to do so, then you can at least feel comfort in the fact that you've grown matured and now see the errors of your ways!. I presume you are no longer walking this same path of ignorance, in which case you should forgive yourself for your youth and consider it your time of learning as now you know better than to treat others in such a way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No because you haven't done anything that other people haven't done, only you have a conscience about it, they probably don't have!. Let your conscience be your guide, be aware of it, but don't think you are a bad person simply because you are thoughtful!. If you weren't thoughtful you wouldn't realise these things!. The past is gone, you learn from it, would be nice if everyone did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, you should and can forgive yourself!. Two important things here!. You regret that you hurt other people and you learned from your experience!. If you can ask forgiveness from these people, that might help you, but if not, just learn!. Treat each person as you want to be treated!. You do deserve forgiveness!.

The weak can never forgive!.
Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong!.
--Mahatma GandhiWww@QuestionHome@Com

When we're young, we all do mean things!. Whether it's to 'seem cool' or if we're hurting from someing else!. But, a miraculous thing happens!.!.!.we (well, most of us, anyway) grow up!. If you really hurt someone, then I recommend apologizing to them!. If you know you're sorry, then I see no problem with letting go of the past!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The fact that you are aware of the bad things you did makes you now a good person!. Forgive yourself - I bet everyone else you have hurted have forgave you already!.

Do some good to other people and your head will be clean and fresh!

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

why dont you try doing extra special good deeds to make someone happy, and everytime you do that, it will cancel out all the bad ones =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

read the famous poem "Ancient mariner " by English poet Coleridge!.!.!.that is your story written before 200 years!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we have all done this i think!.!.!. immaturity and ignorance thing going on!.!.!. theres people i woulkd like tpo apologix ze to for very mean things that i said as a youthWww@QuestionHome@Com

The past is gone !.!.forgive yourself !.!.!.and move on with your lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

ur conscience is catching up with u!. anyway, the past is history!.ΓΌWww@QuestionHome@Com