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Position:Home>Philosophy> When was the last time someone's muteness made you lose your confidence?

Question: When was the last time someone's muteness made you lose your confidence!?
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It's been a little ongoing for the past couple of weeks!.!.!.I met someone at the camping trip I went on for the 4th of July and we connected right away!.!.!.but we live a few hours apart and he doesn't have a car because he lives in the city, so that would make any relationship difficult!.!.!.he didn't offer his number or ask for mine, and I chickened out on that one, so I haven't heard from him since!.!.!.and the only thing I can hope for is that he'll be at the next camping trip in August and then I can at least gage what he's thinking!.!.!.and luckily I'm past the stage of my life where I pine over impossible relationships!.!.!.so if nothing should ever come of this, I'll be okay :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes if a person doesn't want to talk to you, look at your actions and maybe they just don't want to talk to you!. True muteness is rare!. Just leave that person alone and don't let it get to you!. Watch the movie "Tommy" and even though it is just a movie, some people choose to be quiet!. Maybe the person has autism and you can't take that personally eitherWww@QuestionHome@Com

On a job interview -I had just noted some of my finer points and why I was a good candidate for the position only to be met with a rather blank stare from the interviewer!. My mind was the first one to break the tension by saying "This isn't going very well"!. Eventually the interviewer spoke again, but he had little to say from then on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unless the silence is abrupt, unusual for that particular person, or accompanied by a dirty look or departure, I don't think you should find it offensive!. Some people are quiet by nature!. They need to reflect and ruminate when they're presented with something new!. There's no reason why their introspection should cause you discomfort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh you mean!.!.!.


That's the unfortunate void that you fill with the inevitable din of your own fearfulness that you don't know what you're doing and you've just been called on it!.

Happens a lot, nature abhors a void and fills it as quickly as possible!. You've heard of THE SUM OF ALL FEARS, but never THE TOTAL OF ALL HOPES!. Such a fragile thing, the human mind!.!.!. fill it with nothing but the weight of concepts and it inevitably collapses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was interviewed/"hired" (use that term loosely) temp-to-perm!. After 90, well 91 days; my boss and I were having a conversation in general!. "Are you happy!? Do you have everything you want!?" I asked him when would he make me permanent, I didnt leave one temp job to come to another (coulda stayed at the first one)!. Everyday, one of his counterparts, bosses or commends me on being his best Executive Assistant ever, in 3 years!.!.!.

He paused, turned red and stammered sometime after the fiscal year!.!.!.

I havent been the same since!.!.!. Makes all the compliments/hard work seem like a crock of ****!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it is a good tactic, people can crumble & confess & question themselves & all sorts of things!.
I missed this question, I found it following Travis James looking for a chance to close a chapter, quietly!.
I might just mute him loudly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really hate people when they act mute!.

it is often not clear if they are want to imply something by not speaking or they simply have nothing to say!.

my Wife and my Boss both use this technique to break me down!. but I know ha ha ha


i ddont remeber such a time, if someone starts being silent on me then its a good thing!. even in front of authority!.!.oh well!.!.i think i am really thick skinned, its hard for me to lost my confidence, lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

People's silence, enlarges our fears and diminishes our hopes!.
It is only human when we have no response, we think of the worse!.!.!.!. Yes, I personally get shaken a bit when I face muteness!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lose my confidence!? Naaah! Baffling, puzzling, worrying, maybe; but how would all that make me lose my confidence!? I don't get it, seriously!Www@QuestionHome@Com

tar babies show up all the time!. It's when you aren't yet certain without feedback!. We can find our sureness in silence!. That's the only place where truth lies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never, cause at least i knew they were listening!. You cant hear the music if your running up your mouth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Silence is bliss, no news is good news!.Www@QuestionHome@Com