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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think you could be happy single for the rest of your life?

Question: Do you think you could be happy single for the rest of your life!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it all depends on each individual!. We all need the closeness and touch of another person, we all need to be loved to truly feel appreaciated!. I believe you can be happy single, but I also think you will be jealous when your friends starts creating families, and you′re invited to reunions you show up alone, or with a different date everytime!. You might stop hanging out with your friends because they will, most likely, point out that you′re single!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely!. I did not always feel this way!. I use to think that my life would not be complete without finding a spouse!. I knew my life would change and I would be so happy as soon as I found that person!.
Well, to do this day, I have not found that person!. I found something better! I finally took the time out to dig deep and discover the woman I am on the inside!. I found that my life did not have to be defined by having a husband!. With or without I am still a strong woman, who is more prepared for whatever future may lie ahead for me!.
I could be happy single for the rest of my life because I know what energy and effort it took me to get to this point, and I know other people never find this place!. I think we would have more secure women who would not put up with a man's crap or abuse if they could just be happy on the inside!.

Thanks for reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends, do you need an intellectual outlet!?
not just education, but some one to share it with, some one who lives it with you
me personally
consciously end desiresWww@QuestionHome@Com
