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Position:Home>Philosophy> Finish the statement...?

Question: Finish the statement!.!.!.!?
life is!.!.!.
love is!.!.!.
being a teen is!.!.!.
being a parents is!.!.!.

the answer of which i am relate to most I will give 10 pts!. but I just mainly want to see what your answer will be!. THANKSWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Life is!.!.!.!.comedy, tragedy, constant growth and change, and sometimes all you have to be thankful for when things are bad!.
Love is!.!.!.!.!.admiration for who a person really is, not the illusion!. Unconditional regard and respect, even when we don't agree!. Loyalty and honesty!.
Being a teen is!.!.!.!.!.!.A time of angst, hormonal fluctuation, emotional dysregulation, and also a time of learning who you are, asserting your independence, finding freedom, and experiencing life!.
Being a parent is!.!.!.!.!.!.Bonding, nurturing, validating a child's opinions and emotions, even if they are different than ours!. Allowing them their own identities, encouraging their interests and strengths, keeping them safe, but knowing when to let them fly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is your perspective of reality

Love is acceptance, unconditional and glorious

Being a teen is a hard stage to go through, but one that helps you strengthen who are you

Being a parent is knowing how to love someone more then you love yourself

P!.S-- Don't take this wrong as I am not trying to be rude, but you could also pick the best answer not based upon who is most like you, but who is most thought provoking to you and broadened your perspectives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is what happens when waiting for something else to happen!.
Love is what creates everything that ever was!. If you don't love your creation, how can you expect others to!?
Being a teen is one of the most difficult times in life, but also the one in which the most growth occurs!.
Being a parent is not an easy task, for you must love a child unconditionally, even when things get rough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is good if you're constantly going after what YOU want!.

Love is good if you're with someone who loves you for you!.

Being a teen is good if you realize that it doesn't matter what other people think and you need to be yourself!.

Being a parent is good if you're ready for it and make sure you're with someone who you love before you plan that out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

life is!.!.!. whatever you make it

love is!.!.!. being able to be with a person forever

being a teen is!.!.!. hard but sometimes has its advantages

being a parent is!.!.!. the most powerful and best thing in the worldWww@QuestionHome@Com

life is!.!.!. always throwing curve balls at you
love is!.!.!. the feeling you get when you see that someone
being a teen is!.!.!. some of the best and most stress full times of life
being a parents is!.!.!. what you have always been waiting forWww@QuestionHome@Com

life is!.!.!.ART
love is!.!.!.ART
being a teen is!.!.!.ART
being a parents is!.!.!.ART


making choices, adapting to change and growing in the process!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com