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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is better?/ Take a look and tell me?

Question: What is better!?/ Take a look and tell me!?
Allright!. let's just say u knew me from work or something!. & we were becoming buddies!.

If u noticed something about me & concluded that it had to do with my beliefs, what would u respect more:
(1) I keeping it to myself: there would be no arguments!. but maybe sometimes u would say i was too quiet!?/
(2) My being open about it & sharing with u!.

If u r confused, tell me!. it's just something i'm trying to figure out about relationships but maybe friendships also!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If we were budies, I would appreciate learning from you, its part of who you are and I can learn from it as well!.
I wouldnt appreciate you trying to impose your beliefs!. Having different points of view can be difficult, hence the challenge of respecting and defending being different!.

Having knowledge and wisdom about when to stay quiet because truth can be to much to bare for someone a little less open minded!.

I am not catholic and my family is, and sometimes they take it personal or offensive when I dont share the same belief, even though they know I think differently!. Ive been in to many arguments and now I know I cant be to open about it with everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can generally tell when someone will be interested in what I have to say!. This called "testing the waters!." I'll throw a line out there and see if I get a bite!.

If I do, I proceed cautiously!. I tip-toe at first!. If everything goes well I proceed further and further!.

If I don't, I leave it alone!. Accept and let-go!.

But be aware, for there is always a time and place; a person may be closed-minded one day, but open-minded on a different day!. There is always a window of opportunity when you watch for it!.

I always respect someone who respects me!. That is the rule!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm a very open minded person!. if i were in that situation, i'd most likely be curious about your religion/beliefs!. especially if they were unique!. i wouldn't judge you or disrespect you!. i wouldn't do any of that!. i would just like to know a little more about it!. =) i'm sure it wouldn't change anything with our friendship!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most respect from me would be achieved by making me aware of of your belief's and telling me about them, all the time understanding that my beliefs are different, and not trying to impose your beliefs upon me and us both accepting that we have differing beliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being open, real friends are open with each other, but then again if you were a REALLY REALLY shy, timid person I would understand and respect that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would respect a person if they where open about there beliefs!. it shows that they stand up for it and not just have it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

being openWww@QuestionHome@Com