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Position:Home>Philosophy> Fundamentally, what is the point, when you get down to it?

Question: Fundamentally, what is the point, when you get down to it!?
I mean, seriously, is there actually any reason behind it all!? Or is it all some cosmic joke on humanity!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
just be

dont tire yourself with these existentialist questions that either have 10 million different answers or none!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The question hinges upon the definition of the word point!.
Prior to matter having consciousness the word point has no contextual meaning!.
But with consciousness comes deliberate volition!.
One of the consequences of deliberate volition is to seek understanding of ones origins!.
It does not require much contemplation to realize that this question becomes very deep for two reasons, first one must seek to understand what exactly they are
"What and who am I!?"
"What exactly is existence that I can say it is a quality that extends to self!?"
The questions are still being explored and without definitve answers to both the questions
"What is the point!?" surely can not be provided with a sufficient answer beyond speculation!.
"What am I!?" and "How did I come to be!?"
It is not merely a simple question of self, because you are a part of all the universe, it seems in humans matter has become aware and now this quesiton becomes cosmic in its scope!.
Being that we have only recently realized the scope of the quesiton and how little we have by way of information with which to begin to seek an answer I feel that it is safe to say at this point!.
If there is one we can not say yet that we know what exactly it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People find satisfactory answers to this question in many ways!. Some find it in religion!. Some find it quite satisfactory to throw up their hands and say, there is no point so let us eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die!.

I think you are really asking what is the reason for your own life!. Only you can answer that!. You are probably not finding personification of the cosmos a very satisfactory explanation!.

FInd something you can do to make a difference in someone ELSE's life and see if this doesn't answer the question for you!. Or maybe you will just start asking different (more interesting!?) questions!. !. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is its own point!. In the grand scheme, we may be but a tiny speck on a bugs butt!. But everything is relative!. To the bug, you are just a speck, now if you were a pimple, he might scratch you!. Your life matters as much as you want it to, to you!. Everyone else may love you or hate you, but you are the one inside your shell called a body!. You may enjoy interactions with others, but you can't truly interact, you cant feel their feelings, you cant share their thinking process!. It is a lonely existence!. Ultimately you enjoy it if you decide to, or waste it by wondering, "what's the point!?" If it's a cosmic joke, whoever is playing the joke doesn't have much of an imagination!. If you had his powers, would you invent us as some kind of joke!? With the complexities of the human brain, the sheer artistry of the human body, with a blueprint to each body in the form of DNA replicated in each cell of each body, animal and plant, and no 2 are exactly alike!. Man, he must be really really bored to go through all that trouble just for a practical joke!. Life is a journey, enjoy the ride!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

On the material plane everyone has their own point!. A bee has a different point than a man!. Maybe the bee knows its point, but a man does not!. So investigation into the purpose for every individual is necessary!.

On the absolute plane of pure truth there is no point!. There is only truth, which is complete unto itself!. It does not need anything further to give it meaning; it is its own meaning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There i no point to life!. Doesn't mean you can't live!. Some people believe that the purpose of life is whatever you make it, and others say the point of life is living!.
Though really it's an un-answerable question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I mean, shut up!. No this is not cyber bullying!.

Behind what!? We live and die!. Do what you like and make sure to be a honest person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fundamentally, our existence is pointless!. In the grand scheme of things our lives don't matter any more than cockroaches!. People who can't accept that dream up purposes to help them cope with life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Could you please expand on your question, as it makes little sense in the form you have presented it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The point is whatever you want it to be!.


the point is do whatever you feel like doing

dont hurt yourself or anyone else

and then!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com