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Position:Home>Philosophy> IF YOU HAD A MAGIC WAND what would you change??

Question: IF YOU HAD A MAGIC WAND what would you change!?!?
i kinda want people to answer according to two catagories!. A!. about yourself and or other people!. B!. Miscellaneous things!.

These are a few things I would change about myself
1!. I can tend to hold grugdes, and Ive struggled with this for a long time!. and am working on changing it!.
2!.I wish I had more motivation at times, usually have but sometimes dont have any it seems
3!. I wish I didnt have such a tough exterior I'm kinda rough around the edges!. *I know these are all changable things but dont know about u some things u wish u could change NOW*

About other people
1!. I see alot of racism theres enough going on in the world, we dont need that devide, we need to stick together, god made us all the same!.
2!.People that judge and think their better than other people!.
3!. People that get caught up in their selves and think their **** dont stink, sorry sweetheart IT DOES

1!. I wish my parents could have more money, theyve always strugglesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I wish my parents come back alive and lead a very satisfying life with me!.

I wish poverty and unhappiness vanish from the face of earth!.

I wish I could banish all conflicts and wars!.

I wish there are less people in the world and more of Nature for me to enjoy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would snap the wand in half and get rid of it!. Firstly, whatever I want to change about myself I will do so out of my own efforts!. Secondly whatever I want to change about the world I will also do so out of my own efforts!. Magic will not play a part, and I won't allow it to!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

About myself and others:

1!. Wish my hubby and I always look great with a perfect body ;)
2!. Wish my parents were in love with each other


1!. Wish chocolate would be a healthy food which burns calories :D
2!. Wish people would be more tolerant towards other religions and races
3!. Wish poverty would end and everyone would have three tasty meals a day on time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I had a magic wand I would use it to take away all hatred from every human on this planet, take away greed, take away evil thoughts so they cannot enter a human soul and use it to kill, abuse, steal!. Most of all my magic wand would wave love for everyone in their heartsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have it!.!.!.rarely use it!.!.!.in a world of relative any movement creates chain reaction where good and bad is a rings of a chain!.!.!.as it had been said when butterfly move a wings, there will be earthquake somewhere!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your MindWww@QuestionHome@Com

I Am SORRY, I can NOT respond to your question as you have directed me!.

In that; IF I HAD A MAGIC WAND, I would change NOTHING!.

What's the point of 'imagining' something, you must deal with things as they are!.
No-One is going to change anything, and for the religious XXXXXXXXXXXXX!.
I simply say, when it/he/they materialise and perform some magic, no sorry!.
Some miracle, then I will believe it!. Until they do that, they do not exist ! ! !