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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would total freedom bring the destruction of man?

Question: Would total freedom bring the destruction of man!?
When I say total freedom I mean no law, no government, no police!. Isn't freedom one of the ideals!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, I believe it would!
Look at history!.!.!.over time we have more freedom than we have ever had, and look at the way our children behave!. They hardly have any manners left, no courtesy hardly to speak of, and they threaten their parents more than ever in recorded history!. And they are our future adults!.
I see how much more they are out of control than ever!. Kids who don't have much, and have to help the family, seem to do much better in their behavior than those who don't!. Those who don't!.!.!.-- they have most everything handed to them, and they Don't appreciate it, they think they deserve it and want more!
When I was growing up, things were alot stricter!. I think I turned out a better person due to the fact that we weren't allowed to do alot of things that kids do today!. We weren't given too much knowledge to run with, but enough to understand right from wrong, and that included our manners, our bahavior and good common courtesy towards all, even if you didn't like someone you were expected to be polite, and kind, you were expected to put your own personal feelings aside and treat that person with dignity and courtesy and respect!
I think if we don't change the way we raise our children, the world could very well be doomed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the result of freedom would most probably be disastorurous as one of the only reasons stopping murder/crime etc, is the prospect of gaol!. so it's psycological, but everyone has the option to commit crimes but choose not to, so this leaves the question that if these people were given the choice with no consequences what would their concious do!?
the destruction of man would be probable, yet it is already probable in the present day through nuclear weapons!. which could destroy the world!. as mans curiousity + new technology have brought about new, dangerous weapons we are risking being able to do what should not be possible!. destroying the world out of freedom of choice!.
back to the subject, freedom is an ideal, but too little freedom would be suffocating for the population and possibly cause havoc whereas too much would cause unpredictable, potentially disastorous results!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it could just possibly!. i think so cause if we had no structure to our world; no laws, law enforcers etc!., then everyone would fall apart!. every civilization has needed some kind of order (tribal leader, president, so on) because with no one to follow, your on your own and some people can't handle thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

absolute freedom of an individual will overpass and limit the freedom of another therefore, rules, laws and regulations were put to organize these freedomS and are supposedly executed by the government!.!.!. this is an ideal world, not ours so yeah freedom is an ideal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We have total freedom already!. Law & government are merely abstractions, while police are just people who think it's important to hold up those illusions!.

If laws controlled people's actions, we wouldn't need prisons!. We have prisons because people are free to act as they will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We're already masacarring each other as if it's all a game!.

Without rules, I hope nobody can get to the weapons that would be left lying around!. Then all the governmental groups still holding a grudge against each other will probably obliterate our new found freedom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on how people use their freedom!. If it is used to cause damage, or living in a wrong way!.!.!.!. it will sure bring the destruction of man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


What do YOU think !?

Will YOU be safe in this world of TOTAL FREEDOM!?

I think you're intelligent enough to figure that out!.

All the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

every thing has an order I believe if there was anarchy groups would restore order in their beliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably, because of the wars going on right now the iraquis could come here and poof!!!! were out like a light!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com