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Position:Home>Philosophy> So you say you want a revolution....?

Question: So you say you want a revolution!.!.!.!.!?
We've been through some interesting ones: Industrial, Sexual, Hello Kitty (ok, not a revolution but epic none the less)!. What do you think, with our growing awareness and technological advancements, the next big "thing" will be!? Something more mind-based!? Your thoughts!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know what the next revolution should be---the American people need to take back the government of the USA!.

At one time, we had a government of, by and for the people!.

We have a government of, by and for the government!.

All our government wants to do is tax, tax, tax and give it away to their cronies, Haliburton, big oil, and foreign governments!. Our government is trying to control the entire world, and the rest of the world hates America because of it!.

When will the American people finally get fed up with a government that's completely out of control!? We have the most unpopular president in history, a do-nothing congress and noone does anything about it!.

A revolution that would be highly successful would be to NOT VOTE FOR ANY INCUMBENT POLITICIAN--regardless of political party; these are the ones who've gotten us into this mess, and none of them should be reelected!.

The American economy is in a shambles, we are involved in useless religious wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, energy prices and food costs are skyrocketing!. A change is necessary if this country is to survive!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Americans are in check right now and awareness is decreasing!. This may seem far-fetched to some, but I believe the powers that be are controlling the people to perfection!. They are using mediums such as television, music, products for consumption, minimum wage, etc!., to skew what people value in life!. For example, 26" rims on a gas eating SUV is what some kids dream about owning, instead of a higher education!. It seems to me that Americans are too occupied and distracted to unite and start a revolution of any sort!. You just don't see people organizing and fighting for what they believe in, in America, as much as in the past or in any other country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

people only change on the surface;
change what you see - what you want to see, but no one can change what it is or what it is to be!. only god the creator of what it was can know what it is going to be
you can change what you eat, the flavors!.
but it is difficult to change the taste - the tradition - the inner soul!.
corrupt person will remains so even though he changes clothes a thousand times
a person who love to kill will remains so
even though he dresses like a pope!.
the essence remains on what has been before, on the inner soul the more you change the more it stay the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, very much so!. I think the next 'revolution' will be one in which our cognitive process is completely reworked!. With all the pressures of the billions of individuals on this earth, I think basically every culture on earth will actually start thinking differently on a very very low level!. More communally-oriented, less ambition, more confidence, more efficiency!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the next revolution would be an all out war, it would be the deconstruction of civilization little by little but no one will really care untill its too late, all of the sudden youll just hear the blank beep of the screen and the deafnig boom of the guns, chaos and cereal as you wonder what the goverment will do for you, or how is the army going to save you now, or whos going to come rescue you, people are not prepared for the future and they dont want to, any other thing that may resemble a revolution would just be a overcomercialized slogan that makes no sence but people follow just cause its a cause, next thing youll hear is dont worry about the food shortage, vitamins and minerals are overrated anyways, go syntetic, soilent green why not, most people stoped caring a long time ago, so for the rest of us the next revolution may imply more than words and thoughts!.

codex alimentarius implemented sep 09, do something about it, i dare you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Revolution is going on every moment of existence!. Time is changing with the inter play of forces and counter forces!. What is in existence this moment is changed the very next moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would be nice if we could have a world coming together through the internet!. World citizenship!.
international co-operation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Spiritual - 2012, haven't you been reading the news!

End of the world!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.as we "know it", anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com