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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would you consider A Separate Peace to be Allegorical?

Question: Would you consider A Separate Peace to be Allegorical!?
In your own opinion do you think that A Separate Peace is Allegorical!?!.!.!.I think is is because without ever truly saying it its about growing up,and becoming who you are!.!.!.Realizing your past mistakes and other things!.!.!.So what would you say!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is definitely an allegorical piece!. I read the book two years ago so pardon if I don't know names or precise facts!.

I do know that the main character is very much envious of his friend, and that leads to his death!. The protagonist sees his friends as being better than he, and so he tries to ruin his friend, first by knocking him from the tree, then by killing him (indirectly) It is allegorical for losing innocence, as his friend loses it when he finds that he betrayed him and knocked him from the tree at the "trial" He later dies!.

The protagonist loses his innocence, and his high perception of himself in the process, after his friend dies!.

It explores the deep, subconscious emotions that pop up if pushed down, often exploding violently!.This shows when the protagonist sees that being better than his idol was not worth the loss of friendship that came with it!.

It also shows the Jungian shadow and pattern of growth, once one gets what they need from one point in their life, they destroy it, like a bird from it's egg!. The protagonist learns of his "shadow" his dark subconscious, and of one of it's major "demons" within, his envy!.

Overall a great growing up book, that reminded me of Hermann Hesse's Demian!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I assume you mean John Knowles book of that name; answers to follow may need clarification if this is the case, with a link like the following:


1) Though I've never read it, most fiction can and does have Allegorical-Refrences to the times or dynamics the author is writing about in the Non-Fiction world of Reality!.

2) I was surprized to find out that the Author of the Novel "The Wizard of Oz" was a round-about-commentary (allegorical) on industrialism among other things!.!.!.

3) I would assume this book isn't much different on scale!.

4) Is it Allegorical!? I would venture: Yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im just here to make 2 pointsWww@QuestionHome@Com