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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you "open" someones eyes?

Question: How do you "open" someones eyes!?
I was having a philosophical discussion yesterday with someone regarding religion and life!. All their answers seemed to be along the lines of "why question everything!? it just makes matters more confusing", and "i don't question things!. we therorize things too much!. god's word is just gods word!. it's not supposed to be questioned"
it was frustrating to hear someone say that!. how can you not question your surroundings and what you think is life!?
I kept asking her if she was afraid of what's behind the doors if she opens them!? She just kep saying no because they're not meant to be opened, or not there!.

my question is: what are some 'non-threatening' ideas/arguments/concepts that one can bring up to get the person thinking and outside the box and out of the darkness!?

I know there is a saying:

But how can i get them to stop pretending!? i feel like i'm cheating them out of a more 'colorful' life if I don't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, you'll probably not like my answer but I don't think you can "open" someone's eyes!. I'm going through a somewhat similiar situation with my sister and I think she is the most hard-headed and stubborn person I know, and I've realized that no matter how much you might want them to see the "bigger" picture, the won't!. Not until THEY are ready!.!.!.!.there's just no "non-threatening, pushing, pulling, cajoling or anything else for that matter idea" to make them see!. I think the more you push the more they will keep their eyes "closed" so to speak!. I think we all have our own lessons in life to learn and you may want to help them along the way, or show them the way, but I don't think you can!. They have to experience these things on their own!. The best you can do for them is be there when they need you!. She'll remember you when the time comes and probably ask for your advice or help or something at that time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its difficult to give you an answer where you can directly apply it in conversation with others!. You must first strongly investigate your philosophy of life and beyond!. when you find it to be the truth you will speak that truth!. it will not be borrowed ideas, It will be straight from the heart!. It will be a manifestation of your thoughts rather than careful articulation!.
When this is possible people listen to you!. there are a few who always fear to open up, but ones you say it!. It will work in their minds, and eventually they come to the truth!. We can never force anything on others, each one has their own pace!.
I am happy at your noble wish for the awakening of others, keep up the good work!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Wisdom is not communicable!. The wisdom which a wise man tries to communicate always sounds foolish!.!.!. Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom!. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it!."

~ Herman HesseWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you explain the truth thoroughly and clearly enough he will eventually "be pulled by his hair and made to believe!." Be patient, though assertive, and never underestimate the power of a good argument!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unfortunately, with religion, it's dangerous to pry!. They were raised like that!.

People like believing like that because it's a way to not have responsibility or feel responsible!. Why do you think so many people look down on religion!? She won't open her eyes unless something drastic happens!.

Think of it this way, just because you see it one way, it doesn't mean you should force someone else to as well!.

Read my poem!?


Maybe you are the ones who's eyes need opening, after being closed so long to the brainwashing you received about god!. Open your eyes to the idea that there is no god!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try an indirect approach or reverse the situation!.!.!. let her discuss the idea (she believes in) and tell her to try to convince you!. this way the pros and cons can be discuss on a both direction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A person's life is their own!. Once you make your best effort to help them, you have to take care of your own enlightenment and allow them to learn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't stress over it!. Most people are too scared to open their minds or have too much pride to question their own actions and ideas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You present the truth to them if they do not see it, don't force it upon them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"I feel like I'm cheating them out of a more colorful life!." Flat out b!.s!. YOU think you are the be-all and end-all, the all-knowing One who must teach others!. You think you must "get the person thinking outside the box and out of the darkness!." GOD, are you ARROGANT, DUDE! Cripes!. YOU don't have all the answers, so GET OVER YOURSELF!

Oh, and I KNOW that in your all-knowing OPEN MINDEDNESS (cough), you're going to "report" this to the Answers Community!. Wow!. If only we were all as open-minded as you are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com