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Position:Home>Philosophy> How many strangers' lives equal your own?

Question: How many strangers' lives equal your own!?
Think about this, you see in movies situations where a hero sacrifices himself because it's just the right thing to do!. In order to save maybe hundreds of people or even just one other!. So how many people would you sacrifice yourself to save!? You don't want to die but I'm sure if you could die to save a million people you would wouldn't you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That's actually a pretty hard question!. I think it's impossible to really know until you're put in the situation!.

I've risked dying for one person, but she wasn't a stranger, so I don't know if that would count in this analysis!.

And it very likely could depend on who the strangers are!.!.!. I don't think I'd risk my life for a prison full of death row inmates, but if the lava was coming I might toss them the keys and say "you're on your own!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is that like "how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center!.!.!."!?!?

I'm sooooo tired of these kinds of questions from people sitting at their computers when there's no risk to their own lives!. It's easy to tell yourself you're such a high and mighty guy, and to push your high-and-mightiness in everybody else's face!. Here - ask YOURSELF this question, answer it YOURSELF, put it to the test, and quit trying to instantly elevate yourself above everyone else with your dumb questions pretending to be so enlightened!. I swear, sometimes when I read some of these holier-than-thou questions I think I hear music playing in the background!. "I'd like to teach the world to sing la la la la la la!."

Oh, and if you're in the Military or have ever been, I most humbly and sincerely take back everthing I just said - 'cause you've already put it to the test!. And thank you immensely for your heroic service!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My thoughts:
My life is everything that I have!. Once it's gone, that's it!. So, I cannot understand giving that up even for *every* other person on this planet, because once I'm gone it wouldn't matter to me what happened with them anyway!.

But then I do have to think, would life be worth living here completely alone!? In that case, I could understand (for myself) leaving the planet for them!.

!.!.!. but, really, I am just not sure!. Maybe I am connected to other people in a way I just don't understand yet, and them dying is death of me in some way, for example!. I'm caught up in my own perspective, and what I said above is just my feeble attempt to put it into some form!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I could save a thousand people by dying!. Screw 'em!. Somebody else can jump on the bomb!.

If my daughter or wife were standing next to me and somebody tossed a hand grenade, I'd fall on it without thinking twice!.

So I guess it depends on which people I'm saving!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"!.!.!.Is that like "how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center!.!.!."!?!?!.!.!."

Uhh, oneee!.!.!. two!.!.!. threee!.!.!. CRUNCH!.

Nobody knows!. I guess we'd all have to be in that kindof situation to know what we'd really do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm Batman, I do what it takes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i want to save their lives :D

star for u *Www@QuestionHome@Com