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Position:Home>Philosophy> What kind of jobs do philosophy majors in college have?(after college in relatio

Question: What kind of jobs do philosophy majors in college have!?(after college in relation to that major as a career)!?
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Quite a few people who study philosophy in school are interested in its benefits in another career: law!. A lawyer needs to be able to construct and penetrate good arguments, an understanding of ethics and logic, and a broad familiarity with many different kinds of ideas!.

Probably one of the second best-known ones is that of politics (Plato would be so pleased about that)!. It's no accident that many politicians are lawyers - some skip that intermediate step!. Journalists and teachers also find a philosophers' analysis and study useful!.

If you extrapolate out far enough, the skills philosophy can endow are arguably good in just about any career you might pursue, if for no other purpose than to convince someone to hire you in the first place! Admittedly there aren't too many people who are employed simply to philosophize!.!.!. most manage to find other ways to make their skills useful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know that there are not many jobs for that!. My uncle was a political philosophy major at Harvard, was a genius and was so good he was the only person to teach at Harvard while still a student there!.

He found no job opportunities, and then went to medical school to be a physician before he died!. But that was in the eighties!. Things are very much different!.

Now you could find a writing job, something in media, even film making or writing, or a teaching job somewhere, a high school or a college!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a philosophy major and right now, i'm staring down the road myself!.!. I won't lie to you, it looks intimidating!. A few of the things you can look at however, are Academics and research; Law; Working with the media (print or visual); hell, even ad agencies!. Every one needs a good thinker!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A friend with a philosophy degree became a software tester!.Www@QuestionHome@Com