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Position:Home>Philosophy> A Path to The Truth...Imagine this...?

Question: A Path to The Truth!.!.!.Imagine this!.!.!.!?
There are two waterfalls in a pitch black room!. Both crash upon deadly rocks, but where one is blood another is tears!.

As you race through the dark room you seek relieve from the entrapment, yet to leave you must pass through a waterfall!.

To leave you must past through tears or blood!.

Had you the choice which would you choose; The salty tears of grief or the deep blood of pain!?

Or would you stay in the darkness!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would pass through the deep blood of pain!. This is basically a very easy choice for me, because I'm older and have more experience!. I am a psychologist, now retired!. I have been in that room (although I think of it as more of a very deep cave, very small and tight but with the waterfalls just far enough apart so that they don't mix!. If I was to pass through the tears of grief, it would mean that all of the 'bad things' in life would pass by me, but would fall on the people I love (which implies that they would be limited to the waterfall of pain!. If I walk through the waterfall of pain implies that if those people love me, they would have to walk through the waterfall of tears (grief)!. It is much easier for me to take the pain!. Grief is easier to take, although there is much 'mental' pain to that!. There may be phyical pain, there may be mental pain, there are probably both kinds in the waterfall of pain!. I choose pain !.!.!. it may last longer, but I know I can survive it!. Yes, there will be much grief along with that pain, but it's a different kind of grief !.!.!. but I am better able to 'help' people through grief that comes with only mental pain than it is to help people through phyiscal pain with less grief (mental pain)!.
I have known both !.!.!. great phyisical pain (I have survived two surgeries for malignant melanoma, the first one leaving me with scars on my neck and upper back that look as if someone attempted to behead me with an industrial strength torch, I've had two major heart attacks, I live with rheumatoid arthritis every day of my life) and great grief (I lost both of my maternal grandparents, my mother, and my own ten week daughter to death) !.!.!. I carry grief with me in some ways, and will the rest of my life!. I know both, and I know that I can 'carry' the physical pain much better and still 'work' to help others!. Grief would 'destroy me' for however long it takes to get through it !.!.!. I live to help others, and since I can work with the pain but not with the grief, I will take the pain!. It doesn't matter to me what they 'look like' because I am thinking about what the FEEL like!. I know I can survive both, but I know I can think better in physical pain so I can go on helping people!. Perhaps I am being the 'lightweight' but if so, then so be it!. The 'end' of my life doesn't matter !.!.!. helping others to a better end of their lives, helping them put it off as long as possible through the proper counseling is what I do best !.!.!. and I pray to God to let me continue to do that for as long as is physically possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My dear, they are all the same only that you don't realize that its so!.
In fact you can not choose any of them!.Because they will happen even if you dont want them to!.You only need to be prepared to cope with them!.How is that!?

By the time you reach the tears level you must have crossed through that waterfalls!.The only difference is that, the blood pain is tense compared to the tears!.Because with tears, once they flow, healing starts form inside, but for the blood, healing has to be both inside and out side!.meaning you you where hurt more than once!.

Thanks for askingWww@QuestionHome@Com

My birth was against my will and involved blood and tears!. Out of the darkness and against my will I continue to experience life in all its various features and some of them cause me pain of both the emotional and physical kind!.

Indeed in a famous speech Churchill could promise the British people only blood swet and tears!.

So it seems to me that we have no choice but to feel and experience both kinds of fluids, during our brief experience on this mortal coil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The tears!.
The blood is red and represents fear!. tears blue represents feeling blue, sad!. I am more emotionally strong!. So i could handle upsets better then shock or pain!. Tears can make you stronger :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

To me it doesn't matter if they both lead to the same place, the Liberation of Truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tears easier to clean up!
we all have pain it's apart of life!
pain gives us tears!

But some tears are happy! so i'll have that too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A road, in Kansas, that has 1,000 Billboard ads!.Www@QuestionHome@Com