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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can a blind person (Blind since birth) dream in pictures?

Question: Can a blind person (Blind since birth) dream in pictures!?
Do blind people have to have faith in seeing people to help them get through life!?

Do they have any scientific reason to believe that people can really see!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i would think a person would dream parallel to their reality!. if they have never seen then i would think they experience the world differently!. I would think they would dream the way in which they experience the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A blind person must be able to imagine where (for example) he wants to go and what to find when he gets there!. Therefore his imagination is pictorial and he certainly can dream in a spacial order sense!.

If you encounter a blind person waiting to cross a street, (which they do at times) then you will appreciate that faith is necessary for them and us sighted ones too, in order to get through life!.

To you third question, the Japanese language distinguishes between to see and to appreciate what is being seen!. So what we see is both a picture of some of the reality (electromagnetic spectrum in this case) of what is out there and also due to our experience with objects what it means to us!. (As they say in boot camp: if it moves salute and if it doesn't polish it!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com