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Position:Home>Philosophy> If the universe is forever, then why do things inside the universe have beginnin

Question: If the universe is forever, then why do things inside the universe have beginnings and ends!? life, death!?
A metaphor to my question!.

If my body dies, would it be fair to conclude that my "lungs" do not go forever because they are inside the body that dies!?

Would it be fair to conclude that if the universe were forever, so also we would have to be!?

Can a part have opposite attributes of the whole!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First of all,body parts simply wear out!.Like parts in a car!.

The universe is not forever!.Every living thing has an end,sometime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is such an interesting question!.

But first, let me qualify a bit!. Words like 'forever', 'life' and 'death' are meaningful only if perceived through man's understanding!. A month measured against the ant's perception (if any) of time might seem like forever!. Just as a billion light years might as well seem 'forever' through our perception, an intelligence of further dimension might not view it as so!.

Coming back to the question, I believe quantum physics provides a very good illustration of the paradox of 'a part having opposite attributes of the whole'!.

Scientists have discovered that particles or matter at very very minute levels (smaller than atoms) behave according to a very different set of laws compared to matter of greater mass!. At the particle level, a particle moves/shifts easily unpredictably between mass and energy!. It's a case of now you see it, now you don't!.

However, the bigger objects are governed by the general relativity laws (which explains why apples fall from trees and why the moon orbits the earth, etc)!.

Therein manifests the paradox!. For example, when we look at a huge rock, it appears as solid as our senses can tell!. However, if we examine the substance of what makes up the rock, we will discover a very different 'level' of reality at the particle level!. At that level, it must appear a rather evanescent 'world' of appearing and disappearing matter (as each particle in perpetual random movement slides easily in and out of solid into energy state and vice versa), anything but solid/real!. Yet a rock at ordinary eye level possess nothing like the attributes of itself at the particle level!.

I believe this explanation answers the question "Can a part have opposite attributes of the whole'!. No!? :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Scientists tell us that the universe began with the "Big Bang" about 13 billion years ago and that it is still expanding, as if it can grow for ever!. Some claim that this expansion cannot be for ever and that eventually the rate of expansion will cease untill it all comes together in a "Big Crunch"!.

However, this simplistic view does not allow for the way that time itself can vary!. We think of time as passing uniformly however at the beginning of Creation time may not have been passing at all and that were we able to move backwards in time it would not be possible to do this without comming to a dead end at the start (not that we would be able to notice the difference)!.

Our existance is due to stardust forming the chemicals out of which we are made!. However our consciousness is only during our lives!. When we are dead we cease to exist, because the assembly and system of these chemicals is no longer able to work as a whole!.

To confuse you further, consider Einstein's photon, which moves at the speed of light and therefore (due to the time-dialation effect) is unable to experience any passage of time at all - it is everywhere all at once!!.

Thus when time iteself is included in the Creation, an absolute beginning can be envisaged, and possibly an absolute end too!.

Yes a part can be the opposite of a whole!. I can be opposed to society and commit serious crimes against it, yet I am still a part of this society and am likely to be judged by it and to be punished accordingly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Science says the Universe is not forever - it started with "The Big Bang" and will succumb to 'entropy'/heat death, and eventually cease to be!.
"Entropy" is the process of everything running down and/or 'seeking the lowest level'/simplest state, like water running down to the bottom of a hill and pooling!.
{Curiously, Science also proclaims Evolution, where simple things 'seek' to become more complex!. But even politicians can hold two opposing views on the same thing at the same time, it appears, so why not scientists!?}Www@QuestionHome@Com

The matter composing your body cannot be created or destroyed!.

But the particular arrangement of the matter that makes up "you" can be changed!. When it is changed in such a way that life is no longer possible, you will die!. The matter will continue to exist in a different form!.

And, yes, a part can have opposite attributes of the whole!. The engine of a refrigerator can become very hot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The "whole" is existence, and the fact that existents exist within it!.

Nothing says that the attributes of any existent is that it vanishes!. As a matter of fact, it only changes form!.

But consciousness and the soul are not empirical existents, any more than is a word, though they are of different metaphysical content, yet they are identical if you compare them to empirical existents!. Existents with no empirical matter are not subject to empirical laws!.

Consciousness in any animal is a manifestation of the central nervous system!. When that system is dead, its matter changes forms, but the manifestation ceases, for the same reason as the words of man cease to come from his tongue; words off the tongue are a manifestation of consciousness, not of empirical laws!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Great question!. The mind/ego separates the content of the universe into categories of duality and thus fails to recognize context!. This is inherent to the structure of the brain and its natural functions, thus it can be seen as an inborn limitation of the mind, which believes objects are subject to existence and non-existence!.

In the universe of all things created, there is no separation of the content of the universe!. All there is is existence itself!. What exist is not subject to non-existence only made to change form as stated by the law of conservation!. The labeling of the contents of the universe serves to identify different expressions of actually One Energy!. Therefore we can see how duality comes about to the intellect in its attempts to understand the meaning/essence/context of the universe!.

Form is subject to beginning and end as it changes expressions into another form!. The sequential change we observe is call evolution, and is carried out by the invisible unseen process of creation which is continuous!. The non-form of the unmanifest is the source of manifested form, i!.e!., sound is heard against a background of silence, the visible is seen because of the invisible, solid matter is made of non-solid subatomic particles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The universe is forever in change!. If everything existed and never changed the universe would be a giant block of yellow that just sits there unchanging forever!. Plus there is the fact that nothing is impossible to fill totaly!. That is to say you cant fill a true vacuume with something and have the true vacuume be full!. Our best hope is to love life and try to love it more with each day we have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The universe isn't forever!!! You just made that up! and the universe definitely had a beginning, one big bang of a beginning!

The universe isn't made up of lungs its made up of atoms and so are lungs!?!?!?

This is a very confused question based on nothing!. stop trying to be clever and read some books on the universe and/or philosophy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the existence of the universe itself is cyclic!. right now it is expanding!. we say it is forever and infinite because it looks that way in comparison to our own vision and lifespan!. in Indian cosmology, the existence of a universe is equally as long as the time between one and the next!. It is called Cosmic Day and Cosmic Night!. This runs consistently with certain Western cosmology views!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the universe is forever, then we must logically conclude that all integral parts within it must also be forever!.!.!.!.!.!. any beginning or end that we experience is mere illusion created by the occurrence of change, since every change can be interpreted as an end of something old and a beginning of something new!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Birth does not 'begin' the life cycle!. Death does not 'end' the life cycle!. When life begins, another ends!. It is a constant, ever-growing cycle that does seem to end!.

But, if the body dies, then everything inside dies as well!. Unless they are used for surgery!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A good technical answer is entropy, which in plain language means that everything runs down in time!. Clocks, batteries, life, plants, houses, cars, etc!. Nothing is immune except for the Almighty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the engery that keeps your lungs to a mass form that you can see feel ect!.!.!. is the engery that will live on forever!
try to look at it more deeply then lung no longer works! will decay ect!.!.!. look at the engery around it how is it held together ect!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That anything exists then it can be said to always have existed!. Your death doesn't erase your existence, so you don't truly end nor begin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everything in the Universe runs in cycles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the universe is infinite - not foreverWww@QuestionHome@Com

you do last forever in my belief- eternal life with ChristWww@QuestionHome@Com